Psychometric Tests

Mental Health and Drug Use: Determinants and Psychological Measurement

Mental Health and Drug Use: Determinants and Psychological Measurement

Members of the unit, within their scientific activity, have developed or adapted various assessment tools in both the field of addictions and the field of psychopathology. This section provides the available instruments ready for administration, as well as the scientific references with the psychometric evidence for each of the instruments.

Externalizing Spectrum Inventory–Brief Form (ESI-BF)

– Blanc-Molina, A., Sanchez-Garcia, M., Patrick, C. J., Krueger, R. F., Fernandez-Calderon, F., Lozano, O. M., de la Rosa-Cáceres, A., & Diaz-Batanero, C. (2023). Psychometric Properties of the Spanish Adaptation of the Externalizing Spectrum Inventory–Brief Form (ESI-BF). Psychological Assessment, 35 (4), e1-e11.


Protective Behavioral Strategies for Cannabis Scale (S‑PBSC)

– Sanchez-Garcia, M., Carmona-Márquez, J., Bravo, A.J., &
Fernández-Calderón, F. (2020). Spanish Adaptation and Psychometric Properties of the
Protective Behavioral Strategies for Marijuana Scale: The Protective Behavioral Strategies for Cannabis Scale (S‑PBSC). International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction.


Protective Behavioral Strategies Scale. Spanish version (S-PBSS-20)

– Sánchez-García, M., Lozano-Rojas, Ó. M., Díaz-Batanero, C., Carmona-Márquez, J., Rojas-Tejada, A. J., & Fernández-Calderón, F. (2020). Spanish Adaptation of the Protective Behavioral Strategies Scale-20 (S-PBSS-20) and Evaluation of its Psychometric Properties in University Students. Psicothema, 32(4), 598–606.


Substance Dependence Severisty Scale Spanish version – SDSS-.

– Dacosta-Sánchez, D., Fernández-Calderón, F., González-Ponce, B., Díaz-Batanero, C. y Lozano, O. M. (2019). Severity of substance use disorder: utility as an outcome in clinical setting. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 43(5), 869-876. Doi: 10.1111/acer.14020.

– Vélez-Moreno, A., González-Saiz, F., Rojas, A. J., Torrico-Linares, E., Fernández-Calderón, F., Ramírez-López, J. y Lozano, O. M. (2015). Reliability and validity of the Spanish version of the Substance Dependence Severity Scale. European Addiction Research, 21, 39-46. Doi:10.1159/000365282.

– Vélez-Moreno, A., Lozano, O. M., Rojas, A. J., Sayans-Jiménez, P., González-Saiz, F. y Ramírez-López, J. (2015). Validity evidence, sensibility and specificity of the severity dimension of the SDSS alcohol dependence scale. Actas Españolas de Psiquiatría, 43(3), 99-108.

– Velez-Moreno, A., González-Saiz, F., Ramírez, J. L., Torrico, E. L., Fernández-Calderón, F., Rojas, A. J. y Lozano, O. M. (2013). Spanish adaptation of the substance dependence severity scale: Preliminar results. Adicciones, 25(4), 339-347.

– González-Saiz, F., Lozano, O. M., Vélez-Moreno, A., Ramírez-López, J. (2014). Manual de la Escala de Gravedad de la Dependencia a Sustancias. Huelva: Universidad de Huelva.


Personality Inventory for DSM-5- Short-Form -PID-5-SF- Spanish version.

– Díaz-Batanero, C., Ramírez-López, J., Domínguez-Salas, S., Fernández-Calderón, F. y Lozano, O. M. (2019). Personality Inventory for DSM-5-Short Form (PID-5-SF): Reliability, factorial structure, and relationship with functional impairment in dual diagnosis patients. Assessment, 26(5), 853-866. Doi: 10.1177/1073191117739980.
– De la Rosa Cáceres, A., López, J. R., Calderón, F. F., Lozano-Rojas, O. M., Moraleda-Barreno, E., & Díaz-Batanero, C. (2020). Capacidad discriminativa del deterioro funcional del Inventario de Personalidad DMS-5 Short Form en pacientes con trastorno por uso de sustancias. adicciones, 32(4), 307-309.


Inventory for Depression and Anxiety Symptoms (IDAS-II). Spanish version.

– De la Rosa-Cáceres, A., Stasik-O’Brien, S., Rojas, A. J., Sanchez-Garcia, M., Lozano, O. M., & Díaz-Batanero, C. (2020). Spanish Adaptation of the Inventory of Depression and Anxiety Symptoms (IDAS-II) and a study of its psychometric properties. Journal of Affective Disorders, 271, 81-90.
– Sanchez-Garcia, M., De la Rosa-Cáceres, A., Stasik-O’Brien, S., Mancheño-Barba, J. J., Lozano, Ó. M., & Diaz-Batanero, C. (2021). Norms according to age and gender for the Spanish version of the Inventory of Depression and Anxiety Symptoms (IDAS-II). Frontiers in Psychology, 12: 748025. Doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.748025.


Word Association Task for Drug Use Disorders -WAT-DUD-.

– Gómez-Bujedo, J., Domínguez-Salas, S., Pérez-Moreno, P. J., Moraleda-Barreno, E. y Lozano, O. M. (2019). Reliability and validity evidence of a new interpretation bias task in patients diagnosed with drug use disorders: a preliminary study of the Word Association Task for Drug Use Disorder (WAT-DUD). The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 45(4), 365-376. Doi: 10.1080/00952990.2018.1559848


Dot Probe Drug Use.

– Fernández-Calderón, F., Lozano, O. M., Moraleda-Barreno, E., Lorca-Marín, J. A. y Díaz-Batanero, C. (2021). Initial orientation vs maintenance of attention: relationship with the severity of dependence and therapeutic outcome in a simple of cocaine use disorder patients. Addictive Behaviors, 116, 106834. Doi: 10.1016/j.addbeh.2021.106834.
– Díaz-Batanero, C., Domínguez-Salas, S., Moraleda, E., Fernández-Calderón, F. y Lozano, O. M. (2018). Attentional bias toward alcohol stimuli as a predictor of treatment retention in cocaine dependence and alcohol user patients. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 182: 40-47. Doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2017.10.005.


Deciding About Your Health -DAYH-.

– Díaz-Batanero, C., Sánchez-García, M., Fernández-Calderón, F. y Lozano, O. M. (2020). Decision making in substance use disorder patients: reliability, convergent validity and sensitivity to change of a new behavioral measure. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 42(10), 998-1009. Doi: 10.1080/13803395.2020.1840519.


UPPS-P scale Spanish version.

– Lozano, O. M., Díaz-Batanero, C., Rojas, A. J., Pilatti, A. y Fernández-Calderón, F. (2018). Concordance between the original and short version of the Impulsive Behaviour Scale UPPS-P using an IRT model. Plos One, 13(3), e0194390. Doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0194390.
– Pilatti, A., Lozano, O. M. y Cyders, M. (2015). Psychometric properties of the Spanish Version of the UPPS-P Impulsive Behavior Scale: A Rasch Rating Scale analysis and confirmatory factor analysis. Psychological Assessment, 7(4), e10-e21.
– Verdejo-García, A., Lozano, O. M., Moya, M., Alcázar, M. A. y Pérez-García, M. (2010). Psychometric properties of a Spanish version of the UPPS–P impulsive behavior scale: reliability, validity and association with trait and cognitive impulsivity. Journal of Personality Assessment, 92(1), 70-77. Doi: 10.1080/00223890903382369


Health-Related Quality of Life for Drug Abusers -HRQoLDA Test- English version.

– Lozano, O. M., Rojas, A. J., Foresti, K. y Zubaran, C. (2015). A polytomous Rasch analysis of the English version of health-related quality of life for drug abusers test. The Spanish Journal of Psychology, 18, E31. Doi: 10.1017/sjp.2015.34


Test para la Evaluación de la Calidad de Vida en Adictos a Sustancias Psicoactivas -TECVASP- Spanish version.

– Lozano, O. M., Rojas, A. J. y Pérez-Meléndez, C. (2009). Development of a specific health-related quality of life test in drug abusers using the Rasch rating scale model. European Addiction Research, 15(2), 63-70. Doi: 10.1159/000189784
– Lozano, O. M., Rojas, A. J., Pérez-Meléndez, C., Apraiz-Granados, B., Sánchez-Muñoz, F. y Marín-Bedoya, A. (2007). Test para la Evaluación de la Calidad de Vida en Adictos a Sustancias Psicoactivas (TECVASP): estudios de fiabilidad y validez. Trastornos Adictivos, 9(2), 97-107. Doi: 10.1016/S1575-0973(07)75635-0


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