

These are our international publications


1. Ruiz-Dominguez, M.C., Robles, M., Martín, L., Beltrán, A., Gava, R., Cuaresma, M., Navarro, F., Vílchez, C. Ultrasound-based recovery of anti-inflammatory and antimi-crobial compounds of the acidophilic microalga Coccomyxa onubensis. Marine Drugs 21: 471. DOI:

2. Robles, M., Torronteras, R., Ostojic, C., Oria, C., Cuaresma, M., Garbayo, I., Navarro-Roldán, F., Vílchez, C. Fe (III)-mediated antioxidant response of the acidotolerant mi-croalga Coccomyxa onubensis. Antioxidants 12(3): 610. DOI:

3. Gojkovic, Z.; Simansky, S.; Sanabria, A.; Márová, I.; Garbayo, I.; Vílchez, C. Interaction of Naturally Occurring Phytoplankton with the Bio-geochemical Cycling of Mercury in Aquatic Environments and Its Effects on Global Hg Pollution and Public Health. Microorganisms 2023, 11, 2034. DOI:

4. Ruiz-Domínguez, M.C., Mendiola, J.A., Sánchez-Martinez, JD., Bueno, M., Cerezal, P., Ibáñez, E. Evaluation of the antioxidant and neuroprotective activity of the seaweed Durvillaea antarctica (cochayuyo) extracts using pressuri-zed liquids. Journal of Applied Phycology 35, 835–847. DOI:

5. Vardanega, R., Salinas, F.; Palma., J., Bugueño, W, Cerezal, P., Ruiz-Domínguez, M.C. Extraction of valuable compounds from granadilla (Passiflora ligularis Juss) peel using pressurized fluids technologies. Sustain Chem Pharm, 34, 101135. DOI:

6. Vardanega, R., Salinas, F., Palma, J., Bugueño, W., Cerezal, P., Ruiz-Domínguez, M.C. Valorization of granadilla waste (Passiflora ligularis, Juss.) by se-quential green extraction processes based on pressurized fluids to ob-tain bioactive compounds. The Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 194, 105833. DOI:


1. Robles M, Garbayo I, Wierzchos J et al. (2022) Effect of low-frequency ultrasound on disaggregation, growth and viability of an extremotolerant cyanobacterium. J Appl Phycol.

2. Gojkovic Z, Skrobonja A, Funk C, Garbayo I, Vílchez C (2022) The Role of Microalgae in the Biogeochemical Cycling of Methylmercury (MeHg) in Aquatic Environments. Phycology 2: 344-362.

3. Ruiz-Domínguez MC, Medina E, Salinas F, Bugueño W, Fuentes J-L, Vílchez C, Garbayo I, Cerezal-Mezquita P (2022) Methodological Optimization of Supercritical Fluid Extraction of Valuable Bioactive Compounds from the Acidophilic Microalga Coccomyxa onubensis. Antioxidants 11: 1248.

4. Ruiz-Domínguez MC, Rincón B, de los Ángeles Martín M. et al. (2022) Microalga Isochrysis galbana biorefinery: Obtaining fucoxanthin and biogas after supercritical fluid extraction. J Appl Phycol 34: 1997–2014.


1. Giani M, Montero-Lobato Z, Garbayo I, Vílchez C, Vega JM, Martínez-Espinosa RM (2021) Haloferax mediterranei Cells as C50 Carotenoid Factories. Marine Drugs 19, 100,

2. Norsker NH, Cuaresma M, Uronen P, Barbosa MJ, Wijffels R (2021) Developing microalgal oil production for an outdoor photobioreactor. Journal of Applied Phycology 33: 1315-1325,

3. Norsker NH, Cuaresma M, de Vree J, Ruiz-Domínguez MC, Márquez-García MC, Uronen P, Barbosa MJ, Wijffels R (2021) Neochloris oleoabundans oil production in an outdoor tubular photobioreactor at pilot scale. Journal of Applied Phycology 33: 1327-1339,

4. Bermejo E, González C, Montero-Lobato Z, Vílchez C, Garbayo I, Cuaresma M (2021) Improvements in the cultivation of Botryococcus braunii using commercial fertilisers. Journal of Applied Phycology 33: 1939–1948,

5. Bartolomé A, Rodríguez-Moro G, Fuentes JL, Lopes M, Frontela J, Lázaro J, Cuaresma M, Gómez-Ariza JL, García-Barrera T, Vílchez C (2021) Biodegradation of a Complex Phenolic Industrial Stream by Bacterial Strains Isolated from Industrial Wastewaters. Processes 9, 1964,

6. Ruiz-Dominguez MC, Toledo C, Órdenes D, Vílchez C, Ardiles P, Palma J, Cerezal P (2021) Variability of Omega-3/6 Fatty Acid Obtained Through Extraction-Transesterification Processes from Phaeodactylum tricornutum. Acta Chimica Slovenica 68: 629-637,

7. Rodrigo-Baños M, Montero Z, Torregrosa-Crespo J, Garbayo I, Vílchez C, Martínez-Espinosa RM (2021) Haloarchaea: A Promising Biosource for Carotenoid Production. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 1261: 165-174,

8. Ruiz-Domínguez MC, Fuentes JL, Mendiola JA, Cerezal-Mezquita P, Morales J, Vílchez C, Ibáñez E (2021) Bioprospecting of cyanobacterium in Chilean coastal desert, Geitlerinema sp. molecular identification and pressurized liquid extraction of bioactive compounds. Food and Bioproducts Processing 128: 227-239,

9. Martin-Gordillo L, Cuaresma M, Fernández-Recamales M, Sayago A, Vílchez C, Garbayo I (2021) Cultivation of microalgae Chlorella using wine industry by-products. Proceedings 66, 1.


1. Montero-Lobato Z, Fuentes JL, Garbayo I, Ascaso C, Wierzchos J, Vega JM, Vílchez C (2020) Identification, biochemical composition and phycobiliproteins production of Chroococcidiopsis sp. from arid environment. Process Biochemistry 97: 112-120,

2. Fuentes JL, Montero Z, Cuaresma M, Ruiz-Domínguez MC, Mogedas B, Nores IG, González del Valle M, Vílchez C (2020) Outdoor Large-Scale Cultivation of the Acidophilic Microalga Coccomyxa onubensis in a Vertical Close Photobioreactor for Lutein Production. Processes 8, 324,

3. Bermejo E, Muñoz A, Ramos-Merchante A, Vílchez C, Garbayo I, Cuaresma F (2020) Medium optimisation as a first step towards the feasible production of biopolymers with Botryococcus braunii. Journal of Applied Phycology 32: 3667-3678,

4. Vázquez M, Castilla-Alcántara JC, Garbayo I, Vílchez C, Cuaresma M (2020) Potential Impact of Biodegradable Surfactants on Foam-Based Microalgal Cultures. Processes 8, 1640,

5. Navarro F, Toimil A, Ramírez S, Montero Y, Fuentes JL, Perona JS, Castaño MA, Pásaro R, Vega JM, Vílchez C (2020) The acidophilic microalga Coccomyxa onubensis and atorvastatin equally improve antihyperglycemic and antihyperlipidemic protective effects on rats fed on high-fat diets. Journal of Applied Phycology 32, 3923–3931,

6. Gómez-Jacinto V, Navarro-Roldán F, Garbayo-Nores I, Vílchez-Lobato C, Arias-Borrego A, García-Barrera T (2020) In vitro selenium bioaccessibility combined with in vivo bioavailability and bioactivity in Se-enriched microalga (Chlorella sorokiniana) to be used as functional food. Journal of Functional Foods 66, 103817,


1. Tapia C, Fermoso FG, Serrano A, Torres Á, Jeison D, Rivas M, Ruiz G, Vílchez C, Cuaresma M (2019) Potential of a local microalgal strain isolated from anaerobic digester effluents for nutrient removal. Journal of Applied Phycology 31: 345- 353,

2. Ruiz-Domínguez MC, Espinosa C, Paredes A, Palma J, Jaime C, Vílchez C, Cerezal P (2019) Determining the Potential of Haematococcus pluvialis Oleoresin as a Rich Source of Antioxidants. Molecules 24, 4073,

3. Giani M, Garbayo I, Vílchez C, Martínez-Espinosa RM (2019) Haloarchaeal Carotenoids: Healthy Novel Compounds from Extreme Environments. Marine Drugs 17, 524,

4. Meier L, Martínez C, Vílchez C, Bernard O, Jeison D (2019) Evaluation of the feasibility of photosynthetic biogas upgrading: Simulation of a large-scale system.
Energy 189, 116313, https://doi.or/10.1016/


1. Zaida Montero; María Vázquez; Francisco Navarro; Juan Luis Fuentes; Elisabeth Bermejo; Inés Garbayo; Carlos Vílchez; María Cuaresma. 2018. Chemically-Induced Production of Anti-Inflammatory Molecules in Microalgae. Marine Drugs, 16, paper 478,

2. Javier Torregrosa-Crespo, Zaida Montero, Juan L. Fuentes, Manuel R. Galvis, Inés Garbayo, Carlos Vílchez, Rosa M. Martínez-Espinosa. 2018. Exploring the Valuable Carotenoids for the Large-Scale Production by Marine Microorganisms. Marine Drugs, 16, paper 203, doi:10.3390/md16060203

3. María Vázquez; Juan Luis Fuentes; Adriana Hincapié; Inés Garbayo; Carlos Vílchez; María Cuaresma. 2018. Selection of microalgae with potential for cultivation in surfactant-stabilized foam. Algal Research, 31: 216–224.

4. Zaida Montero-Lobato; Adrián Ramos-Merchante; Juan Luis Fuentes; Ana Sayago; Angeles Fernández-Recamales; Rosa M. Martínez-Espinosa; José M. Vega; Carlos Vílchez; Inés Garbayo. 2018. Optimization of Growth and Carotenoid Production by Haloferax mediterranei Using Response Surface Methodology. Marine Drugs, 16, paper 372,

5. Agnes Janoska and María Vázquez; Marcel Janssen; René H. Wijffels; María Cuaresma, Carlos Vílchez. 2018. Surfactant Selection for a Liquid Foam-Bed Photobioreactor. Biotechnology Progress, doi 10.1002/btpr.2614.

6. Elisabeth Bermejo; Mari Carmen Ruiz-Domínguez; María Cuaresma; Isabel Vaquero; Adrián Ramos-Merchante; Jose María Vega; Carlos Vílchez; Inés Garbayo. 2018. Production of lutein, and polyunsaturated fatty acids by the acidophilic eukaryotic microalga Coccomyxa onubensis under abiotic stress by salt or ultraviolet light. Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 125: 669-675, doi 10.1016/j.jbiosc.2017.12.025.


1. Leslie Meier; Pablo Barros; Álvaro Torres; Carlos Vílchez; David Jeison. 2017. Photosynthetic biogas upgrading using microalgae: Effect of light/dark photoperiod. Renewable Energy, 106: 17 – 23.


1. Gibran Sydney Aleman-Nava; Sara P Cuéllar Bermúdez; María Cuaresma; Rouke Bosma; Koenraad Muylaert; Bruce E. Ritmann; Roberto Parra. 2016. How to use Nile red, aii selective fluorescent stain for microalgal neutral lipids. Journal of Microbiological Methods, 128: 74-70.

3. Francisco Navarro; Eduardo Forján; María Vázquez; Zaida Montero; Elisabeth Bermejo; Miguel Ángel Castaño; Alberto Toimil; Enrique Chaguaceda; Miguel Ángel García-Sevillano; Marisa Sánchez; María José Domínguez; Inés Garbayo; Carlos Vílchez; José María Vega. 2016. Microalgae as a safe food source for animals: Nutritional characteristics of the acidophilic microalga Coccomyxa onubensis. Food and Nutrition Research, 60:

4. Francisco Navarro; Eduardo Forján; María Vázquez; Alberto Toimil; Zaida Montero; Mari Carmen Ruiz-Domínguez; Inés Garbayo; Carlos Vílchez; Jose María Vega. 2016. Antimicrobial activity of the acidophilic eukaryotic microalga Coccomyxa sp. (strain onubensis). Phycological Research, doi: 10.1111/pre.12118

5. Mari Carmen Ruiz-Domínguez; Isabel Vaquero; Mariella Rivas; Manuel Zapata; Benito Mogedas; Mayca Márquez; José Gómez; Rafael Larraz; Juana Frontela; José María Vega; Carlos Vílchez. 2016. Biomass production and fatty acid accumulation in Chlorella sp. (strain DEC1B) isolated from a petrol refinery in Huelva (Spain). Phycological Research, 64: 72 – 78.

6. Juan Luis Fuentes; Inés Garbayo; María Cuaresma; Zaida Montero; Manuel González-del-Valle; Carlos Vílchez. 2016. Impact of Microalgae-Bacteria Interactions on the Production of Algal Biomass and Associated Compounds. Marine Drugs, doi 10.3390/md14050100

7. Juan Luis Fuentes; Volker Huss; Zaida Montero; Rafael Torronteras; María Cuaresma; Inés Garbayo; Carlos Vílchez. 2016. Phylogenetic characterization and morphological and physiological aspects of a novel acidotolerant and halotolerant microalga Coccomyxa onubensis sp. nov. (Chlorophyta, Trebouxiophyceae). Journal of Applied Phycology, DOI: 10.1007/s10811-016-0887-3


1. Jacek Wierzchos; Jocelyne DiRuggiero; Petr Vitek; Artieda Octavio; Virginia Souza-Egipsy; Pavel Skaloud;Michel Tisza; Alfonso F Davila; Carlos Vílchez; Inés Garbayo; Carmen Ascaso. 2015. Adaptation strategies of endolithic chlorophototrophs to survive the hyperarid and extreme solar radiation environment of the Atacama Desert. Frontiers in Microbiology, 6: doi 10.3389/fmicb.2015.00934

2. Verónica Gómez-Jacinto; Tamara García-Barrera; José Luis Gómez-Ariza; Inés Garbayo; Carlos Vílchez. 2015. Elucidation of the defence mechanism in microalgae Chlorella sorokiniana under mercury exposure. Identification of Hg-phytochelatins. Chemico-biological interactions, 238, pp. 82 – 90. Clare (Irlanda): Elsevier. ISSN 0009-2797.

3. Montserrat Rodrigo-Baños; Inés Garbayo; Carlos Vílchez; María J Bonete; Rosa M Martínez-Espinosa. 2015. Carotenoids from Haloarchaea and Their Potential in Biotechnology. Marine Drugs. 13(9), pp. 5508 – 5532. Basel (Suiza): MPDI. ISSN 1660- 339719.

4. Giulia Benvenuti; Rouke Bosma; María Cuaresma; Marcel Janssen; María Joao Barbosa; René H. Wijffels. 2015. Selecting microalgae with high lipid productivity and photosynthetic activity under nitrogen starvation. Journal of Applied Phycology,, 27(4), pp. 1425-1431.

5. Mari C. Ruiz-Domínguez; Isabel Vaquero; Virginia Obregón; Benito De la Morena; José M. Vega; Carlos Vílchez. 2015. Lipid accumulation and antioxidant activity in the eukaryotic acidophilic microalga Coccomyxa sp (strain onubensis) under nutrient starvation. Journal of Applied Phycology, 27, pp. 1099 – 1108. Springer. ISSN 0921-8971

6. Eduardo Forján; Francisco Navarro; María Cuaresma; Isabel Vaquero; María C Ruiz-Domínguez; Zivan Gojkovic; María Vázquez; Mayca Márquez; Benito Mogedas; Elisabeth Bermejo; Stephan Girlich; María J Domínguez; Carlos Vílchez; José M Vega; Inés Garbayo. 2015. Microalgae: Fast-Growth Sustainable Green Factories. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 45, pp. 1705 – 1755. Philadelphia (Estados Unidos de América): Taylor and Francis. ISSN 1064- 3389

7. Zivan Gojkovic; Inés Garbayo; José L Gómez-Ariza; Ivana Marova; Carlos Vílchez. 2015. Selenium bioaccumulation and toxicity in cultures of green microalgae. Algal Research, 7, pp. 106 – 116. Elsevier. ISSN 2211-9264

8. Miguel Ángel García-Sevillano; Tamara García-Barrera; Francisco Navarro-Roldán; Zaida Montero-Lobato; José Luis Gómez- Ariza. 2015. Shotgun metabolomic approach based on mass spectrometry for hepatic mitochondria of mice under arsenic exposure. Biometals, 28, pp. 341-351.


1. Francisco Javier Sánchez; Joachim Meeben; Mari Carmen Ruiz; Leopoldo G Sancho; Sieglinde Ott; Carlos Vílchez; Gerda Horneck; Andres Sadowsky; Rosa de la Torre. 2014. UV-C tolerance of symbiotic Trebousia sp. in the space-tested lichen species Rhizocarpon geographicum and Circinaria gyrosa: role of the hydration state and cortex/screening substances. International Journal of Astrobiology, 13, pp. 1-18.

2. Fernando Moreno; Tamara García-Barrera; Verónica Gómez-Jacinto; José L Gómez-Ariza; Inés Garbayo; Carlos Vílchez. 2014. Antagonistic interaction of selenomethionine enantiomers on methylmercury toxicity in the microalgae Chlorella sorokiniana. Metallomics, 6, pp. 347 – 355. Royal Soc. Chemistry. ISSN 1756-5901

3. Lenneke de Winter; Lutz Schepers; María Cuaresma; María Joao Barbosa; Dirjk E. Martens; René H. Wijffels. 2014. Circadian rhythms in the cell cycle and biomass composition of Neochloris oleoabundans under nitrogen limitation. Journal of Biotechnology, 187, pp. 25-33.

4. Ward Blanken; Marcel Janssen; María Cuaresma; Zsuzzanne Libor; T Bhaiji; René H. Wijffels. 2014. Biofilm growth of Chlorella sorokiniana in a rotating biological contactor based photobioreactor. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 111(12), pp. 2436- 2445.

5. Zivan Gojkovic; Carlos Vílchez; Rafael Torronteras; Javier Vigara; Verónica Gómez-Jacinto; Nora Janzer; José Luis Gómez- Ariza; Ivana Márová; Inés Garbayo. 2014. Effect of selenate on viability and selenomethionine accumulation of Chlorella sorokiniana grown in batch culture. Scientific World Journal. Hindawi. ISSN 2356-6140

6. Isabel Vaquero; María Vázquez; Mari C. Ruiz-Domínguez; Carlos Vílchez. 2014. Enhanced production of a lutein-rich acidic environment microalga. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 116, pp. 839 – 850. Wiley. ISSN 1364-5072.

7. Isabel Vaquero; Benito Mogedas; Mari C. Ruiz-Domínguez; José M. Vega; Carlos Vílchez. 2014. Light-mediated lutein enrichment of an acid environment microalga. Algal Research, 6, pp. 70 – 77. Elsevier. ISSN 2211-926432.

8. Miguel ángel García-Sevillano; Tamara García-Barrera; Francisco Juan Navarro-Roldan; Zaida Montero-Lobato; José Luis Gómez-Ariza. 2014. A combination of metallomics and metabolomics studies to evaluate the effects of metal interactions in mammals. Application to Mus Musculus mice under arsenic/cadmium exposure. Journal of Proteomics, 104, pp. 66-79.


1. Ward Blanken; María Cuaresma; René H. Wijffels; Marcel Janssen. 2013. Cultivation of microalgae on artificial light comes at a cost. Algal Research, 2, pp 333-340.

2. Lenneke de Winter; Anne J Klok; María Cuaresma; María Joao Barbosa; René H Wijffels. 2013. The synchronized cell cycle of Neochloris oleoabundans and its influence on biomass composition under constant light conditions. Algal Research, 2(4), pp. 313-320.

3. Zivan Gojkovic; Inés Garbayo-Nores; Verónica Gómez-Jacinto; Tamara García-Barrera; José Luis Gómez-Ariza; Ivana Márová; Carlos Vílchez-Lobato. 2013. Continuous production of selenomethionine-enriched Chlorella sorokiniana biomass in a photobioreactor. Process Biochemistry, 48, pp. 1235 – 1241. Elsevier. ISSN 1359-5113.


1. Isabel Vaquero; M Carmen Ruiz-Domínguez; Mayca Márquez; Carlos Vílchez. 2012. Cu-mediated biomass productivity enhancement and lutein enrichment of the novel microalga Coccomyxa onubensis. Process Biochemistry, 47, pp. 694 – 700. Elsevier. ISSN 1359-5113.

2. Inés Garbayo; Rafael Torronteras; Eduardo Forján; María Cuaresma; Carlos Casal; Benito Mogedas; M Carmen Ruiz- Domínguez; Mayca Márquez; Isabel Vaquero; Juan L Fuentes-Cordero; Rocío Fuentes; Manuel González-del-Valle; Carlos Vílchez. 2012. Identification and physiological aspects of a novel carotenoid-enriched metal resistant microalga isolated from an acidic river in Huelva (Spain). Journal of Phycology, 48, pp. 607 – 614. Wiley. ISSN 0022-3646.

3. Verónica Gómez-Jacinto; Tamara García-Barrera; Inés Garbayo-Nores; Carlos Vílchez-Lobato; José L Gómez-Ariza. 2012. Metal-metabolomics of microalga Chlorella sorokiniana growing in selenium- and iodine-enriched media. Chemical Papers, 66, pp. 821 – 828. Springer. ISSN 0022-3646.

4. Verónica Gómez-Jacinto; Tamara Garcia-Barrera; Inés Garbayo; Carlos Vílchez; José L Gómez-Ariza. 2012. Metallomic study of selenium biomolecules metabolized by the microalgae Chlorella sorokiniana in the biotechnological production of functional foods enriched in selenium. Pure and Applied Chemistry, 84, pp. 269 – 280. De Gruyter. ISSN 0022-3646.

5. María Cuaresma; Marieke F Buffing; Marcel Janssen; Carlos Vílchez; René H Wijffels. 2012. Performance of Chlorella sorokiniana under simulated extreme winter conditions. Journal of Applied Phycology, 24, pp. 693 – 699. ISSN 0921-8971.

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