The Research Center in “Natural Resources, Health, and Environment” is an entity belonging to the University of Huelva dedicated to research, development, and technological transfer. It is composed of ten units with a common environmental focus, but with approaches related to the benefits of natural resources and the health of our population. These ten units of the Research Center in “Natural Resources, Health, and Environment” each pursue thematic research lines that complement each other within the objectives and strategies of the Center.

Research Center for Natural Resources Health and the Environment composed of:

               1. Cellular Alterations By Exogenous Agents Unit

               2. Environmental Analysis and Bioanalysis Unit

               3. Biology and Environmental Analysis Unit

               4. Microalgae Biotechnology Unit

               5. Genetic Engineering Of Photosynthetic Organisms Unit

               6. Waste Valorization and Environmental Pollution Unit

               7. Mental Health and Drug Use: Determinants and Psychological Measurement Unit

               8. Mineralogy and Environmental Geochemistry Unit

               9. Mineral Resources Unit

               10. Clinical, Environmental, and Social Transformation Epidemiology Unit

These units are based on the interaction between humans and the environment and the consequences of this relationship. Therefore, the Center, through its Research Units, seeks to achieve knowledge that delves into the processes governing this interaction, with the aim of influencing them for the benefit of humanity and society, based on principles of sustainable economy, respect for nature, knowledge transfer, and improvement of the quality of life and health of the population.

This is the guiding principle of RENSMA, as well as the strategies derived from it, which are built on a multidisciplinary foundation, uniting the research units that comprise it with complementary lines of work, allowing for the transition from specific to general knowledge, in a collective effort that promotes the advancement of our society and its projection into the future.

In recent years, there has been a more applied orientation in disciplines related to geological, biological, and environmental terrestrial systems, and especially to the health and quality of life of citizens. Addressing major issues related to social needs is the principle motivating RENSMA, whose strategy is directed towards this goal, always working on a multidisciplinary basis.

Since its creation, RENSMA has aimed to respond to the demands of our society, based on the aforementioned multidisciplinary collaboration, bringing together the material and human resources available from the Research Units within the Center, primarily in the Faculty of Experimental Sciences at the University of Huelva.

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