

Estas son nuestras publicaciones internacionales


1. Córdoba, F., Sarmiento, A.M. Biocorrosion of Carbon Steel under Controlled Laboratory Con-ditions. Minerals, 13(5), 598. DOI:

2. Robles, M., Torronteras, R., Ostojic, C., Oria, C., Cuaresma, M., Garbayo, I., Navarro-Roldán, F., Vílchez, C. Fe (III)-mediated antioxidant response of the acidotolerant mi-croalga Coccomyxa onubensis. Antioxidants 2023, 12(3), 610. DOI:

3. López-Baltanás R, Rodríguez-Ortiz ME, Díaz-Tocados JM, Martinez-Moreno JM, Membrives C, Rodelo-Haad C, Pendón Ruiz de Mier MV, Rodríguez M, Canalejo A, Almadén Y, Muñoz-Castañeda JR. Dietary Mg Supplementation Decreases Oxidative Stress, In-flammation, and Vascular Dysfunction in an Experimental Model of Me-tabolic Syndrome with Renal Failure. Antioxidants 2023, 12(2), 283. DOI:

4. Bover J, Trinidad P, Jara A, Soler-Majoral J, Martín-Malo A, Torres A, Frazão J, Ureña P, Dusso A, Arana C, Graterol F, Romero-Gon-zález G, Troya M, Samaniego D, D’Marco L, Valdivielso JM, Fernández E, Arenas MD, Torregrosa V, Navarro-González JF, Lloret MJ, Ballarín JA, Bosch RJ, Górriz JL, de Francisco A, Gutiérrez O, Ara J, Felsenfeld A, Canalejo A, Almadén Y. Silver jubilee: 25 years of the first demonstration of the direct effect of phosphate on the parathyroid cell. Nefrología Vol. 42, Issue 6, Pages 645-655. DOI:

5. López-Tirado, J., Herrera-Martín, I. & Hidalgo P.J. Assessing species composition, phenology and diversity of ur-ban flora in a gradient of continentality from southern Spain. Caldasia Vol. 45. DOI:

6. Barba-Brioso,C., Hidalgo P.J., Fernández-Landero S., Girál-dez I., Fernández-Caliani, J.C. Phytoaccumulation of trace elements (As, Cd, Co, Cu, Pb, Zn) by Nicotiana glauca and Euphorbia segetalis growing in a Technosol develo-ped on legacy mine wastes (Domingo Rubio wetland, SW Spain). Environmental Geochemistry and Health, Vol. 45. DOI:

7. M. Dolores Basallote, Virginia Zarco, Francisco Macías, Car-los R. Cánovas, Pablo J. Hidalgo. Metal bioaccumulation in spontaneously grown aquatic macro-phytes in Fe-rich substrates of a passive treatment plant for acid mine drainage. Journal of Environmental Management, Vol. 345, 118495. DOI:


1. Jordi Bover; Pedro Trinidad; Aquiles Jara; Jordi Soler-Majoral; Alejandro Martín-Malo; Armando Torres; João Frazão; Pablo Ureña; Adriana Dusso; Carolt Aranai; Fredzzia Graterola; Gregorio Romero; Maribel Troya; Diana Samaniego; Luis D’Marco; José Manuel Valdivielso; Juan F. Navarro-González; María Jesús Lloret; J.A. Ballaríno; Ricardo J. Bosch; José L. Górriz; Angel Luis Martin de Francisco; Orlando Gutiérrez; Jordi Ara; Arnold Felsenfeld; Antonio Canalejo; Yolanda Almadén. Bodas de plata: 25 años de la primera demostración del efecto directo del fósforo en la célula paratiroidea. Nefrología (Elsevier). 42 (6): 645-655 DOI:

2. Luis, AT, Córdoba F, Antunes, C, Loayza-Muro R, Grande, JA, Silva, B, Diaz-Curiel, J, Ferreira da Silva E. Extremely acidic eukaryotic (micro)organisms: life in Acid Mine Drainage polluted environments – a review. International Journal Environmental Research Public Health 2022, 19(1), 376. DOI:

3. Córdoba, F., Luis, A.T., Leiva, M., Sarmiento, A.M., Santisteban, M., Fortes, J.C., Dávila, J.M., Álvarez Bajo, O., Grande, J.A. Biogeochemical indicators (waters/diatoms) of Acid Mine Drainage Pollution in the Odiel River (Iberian Pyritic Belt, SW Spain). Environmental Science and Pollution Research 29(1). DOI:

4. Domínguez L., López-Pantoja G., Cremades D., Paramio A., Hidalgo P.J., Sánchez-Osorio I. Incidence of Large Wood Borers in the conservation of dehesa Islands Forests in Southwestern Spain. Forests. 13 (413):1-16. DOI:


1. López-Tirado, J., Vessella, F., Stephan, J. Ayan, S., Schirone B. & Hidalgo P.J. Effect of climate change on potential distribution of Cedrus libani A. Rich in thetwenty-first century: an Ecological Niche Modeling assessment. New Forest. Volumen y páginas 52:363-376. 2,375 (16 de 85, Q1, T1) DOI: 10.1007/s11056-020-09798-y

2. Hidalgo, P.J.; Hernández, H.; Sánchez-Almendro, A.J.; López-Tirado, J.; Vessella, F.; Porras, R. Fragmentation and Connectivity of Island Forests in Agricultural Mediterranean Environments: A Comparative Study between the Guadalquivir Valley (Spain) and the Apulia Region (Italy). Forests. Volumen y páginas 12,1201:1-21. 2.634 (13 de 85, Q1, T1). DOI:

3. Inmaculada Pulido Calvo, Rosa María Giles Carnero, Pablo J. Hidalgo Fernández, José Manuel Jurado Almonte, Manuela Mora Ruiz, Manuel Olías Álvarez (eds.). Agua, biodiversidad, turismo y gestión integrada del territorio en el Bajo Guadiana Transfronterizo: Proyecto VALAGUA. Universidad de Huelva. Página 236 pp. ISBN: 978-84-1628-20-7 (LIBROS Y CAPITULOS DE LIBROS)

4. P. J. Hidalgo; A. Sánchez-Almendro. Capítulo III: Análisis de la fragmentación y conectividad de los hábitats riparios del bajo Guadiana. In: Agua, biodiversidad, turismo y gestión integrada del territorio en el Bajo Guadiana Transfronterizo: Proyecto VALAGUA. Universidad de Huelva. Páginas 73-98. ISBN: 978-84-18628-20-7 (LIBROS Y CAPITULOS DE LIBROS)

5. P. J. Hidalgo & A. Sánchez-Almendro. Capítulo IV: Acciones demostrativas de restauración fluvial en la Ribeira de los Alcaides – Caracterización de hábitats. In: Agua, biodiversidad, turismo y gestión integrada del territorio en el Bajo Guadiana Transfronterizo: Proyecto VALAGUA. Universidad de Huelva. Páginas 97-116. ISBN: 978-84-18628-20-7 (LIBROS Y CAPITULOS DE LIBROS)


1. Cabezudo Artero, Baltasar; Cano Carmona, Eusebio; Comino Matas, Olga; Fernandez Zamudio, Maria del Rocio; Figueroa, Enrique; García Murillo, Pablo; Hidalgo Fernández, Pablo J.; Hita Fernández, José Antonio; López, Itziar; Molero Mesa, Joaquín; Muñoz Ávarez, Jesús; Mota Poveda, Juan F.; Nieto Caldera, José María; Pérez Latorre, Andres Vicente; Pérez Raya, Francisco; Porras Alonso, Rafael E.; Vaquero de la Cruz, Jesús. Guía de Identificación de Hábitats de Interés Comunitario en Andalucía. Consejería de Agricultura, Ganadería, Pesca y Desarrollo Sostenible. Secretaría General de Medio Ambiente, Agua y Cambio Climático. Junta de Andalucía. Páginas 1-318. ISBN: 978-84-8474-303-3 (LIBROS Y CAPITULOS DE LIBROS)

2. Pablo J. Hidalgo & Antonio Sánchez-Almendro. Hábitats de Interés Comunitario en el Bajo Guadiana Transfronterizo. ADPM-Artinvento-Estudos e Projectos Ltd. Páginas 1-30. ISBN: 978-989-8409-19-5 (LIBROS Y CAPITULOS DE LIBROS)


1. Sánchez-Almendro AJ, Hidalgo PJ, Galán R, Carrasco JM & López-Tirado J (2018). Assessment and Monitoring Protocols to Guarantee the Maintenance of Biodiversity in Certified Forests: A Case Study for FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) Forests in Southwestern Spain. Forests, 9, 705; ISSN: 1999-4907

2. J.A. Adame, L. Lope, P.J. Hidalgo, M. Sorribas, I. Gutiérrez-Álvarez, A.del Águila, A. Saiz-Lopez, M.Yela (2018). Study of the exceptional meteorological conditions, trace gases and particulate matter measured during the 2017 forest fire in Doñana Natural Park, Spain. Science of the Total Environment 45: 710-720. DOI: ISSN: 0048-9697.

3. López-Tirado J & Hidalgo PJ (2018). Predicting forest dynamics in southern< Spain using logistic regression: the likely dominance of Holm oak and Aleppo pine. Annals of Forest Science, DOI: ISSN: 1286-4560.

4. López-Tirado J, Vessella F, Schirone B & Hidalgo PJ (2018). Trends in evergreen oak suitability from assembled species distribution models: assessing climate change in south-western Europe. New Forests, DOI: ISSN: 0169-4286 .


1. Vessella F, López-Tirado J, Simeone MC, Schirone B & Hidalgo PJ (2017). A tree species range in the face of climate change: cork oak as a study case for the Mediterranean biome. European Journal of Forest Research, 136(3): 555-569. ISSN: 1612-4669.

2. M. Díaz de Alba, A. Canalejo Raya, M.D. Granado-Castro, M. Oliva Ramírez, B. El Mai, F. Córdoba García, Miriam Troyano-Montoro, E. Espada-Bellido, R. Torronteras Santiago, M.D. Galindo-Riaño. (2017). “Biomarker responses of Cu-induced toxicity in European seabass Dicentrarchus labrax: assessing oxidative stress and histopathological alterations”. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 124(1):336-348.

3. De la Roca E, Sánchez B, López JM, Herves MA, Canalejo A, Herrera M. Daily activity rhythms and the stress-related response in the wedge sole (Dicologoglossa cuneata Moreau, 1881). Physiol Behav. 2017 May 1:173:272-278. DOI:

4. Cristina Caetano Sánchez, Javier López Tirado, José Suárez Suárez & Pablo J. Hidalgo. Guía natural de la Vía Verde del Guadiana. Asociación Herrerías. Puebla de Guzmán. Pagina 164 pp. ISBN 978-84-697-8111-1 (LIBROS Y CAPITULOS DE LIBROS)


1. López-Tirado J & Hidalgo PJ (2016). Predictive modelling of climax oak trees in southern Spain: insights in a scenario of global change. Plant Ecology, 217: 451463. ISSN: 1385-0237.

2. López-Tirado J & Hidalgo PJ (2016). Ecological niche modelling of three Mediterranean pine species in the south of Spain: a tool for afforestation/reforestation programs in the twenty-first century. New Forests, 47: 411-429. ISSN: 0169-4286.

3. Fuentes, J.L.; Huss, V.A.R.; Montero, Z.; Torronteras, R.; Cuaresma, M.; Garbayo, I.; Vílchez, C. (2016). “Phylogenetic characterization and morphological and physiological aspects of a novel acido- and halotolerant microalga Coccomyxa onubensissp. nov. (Chlorophyta, Trebouxiophyceae)”. Journal of Applied Phycology (JAPH), 28: 3269-3279.

4. Canalejo A, Diaz-de-Alba M, Granado-Castro MD, Cordoba F, Espada-Bellido E, Galindo- Riaño MD, Torronteras R. Early genotoxic response and accumulation induced by waterborne copper, lead, and arsenic in European seabass, Dicentrarchus labrax. Environ Sci Pollut Res Int. 2016. 23(4):3256-3266.

5. Martinez-Moreno JM, Herencia C, Montes de Oca A, Muñoz-Castañeda JR, Rodríguez-Ortiz ME, Díaz-Tocados JM, Peralbo-Santaella E, Camargo A, Canalejo A, Rodriguez M, Velasco- Gimena F, Almaden Y. Vitamin D modulates tissue factor and protease-activated receptor 2 expression in vascular smooth muscle cells. FASEB J. 2016. 30(3):1367-76.


1. Hanna E. Manninen, Jaana Bäck, Sanna-Liisa Sihto-Nissilä, J. Alex Huffman, Anna-Mari Pessi, Veijo Hiltunen, Pasi P. Aalto, Pablo J. Hidalgo, Pertti Hari, Annika Saarto, Markku Kulmala & Tuukka Petäjä (2014). Patterns in airborne pollen and other primary biological aerosol particles (PBAP), and their contribution to aerosol mass and number in a boreal forest. BOREAL ENVIRONMENT RESEARCH. DOI:

2. López-Tirado J & Hidalgo PJ (2014). A high resolution predictive model for relict trees in the Mediterranean-mountain forests (Pinus sylvestris L., P. nigra Arnold and Abies pinsapo Boiss.) from the south of Spain: A reliable management tool for reforestation. Revista: Forest Ecology and Management.

3. Adame, J. A.; Martínez, M.; Sorribas, M.; Hidalgo, P. J.; Harder, H.; Diesch, J.M.; Drewnick, F.; W. Song; Williams, J.; Sinha, V.; Hernández-Ceballos, M. A.; de Arellano, J. Vilà-Guerau; Sander, R.; Hosaynali-Beygi, Z.; Fischer, H.; Lelieveld, J.; De la Morena, B (2014). Meteorology during the DOMINO campaign and its connection with trace gases and aerosols. ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS. DOI:

4. Vilchez,C.; Torronteras, R; Vigara, J.; Gómez-Jacinto, V.; Janzer, N.; Gómez Ariza, J.L.; Márova, I.; Garbayo, I.(2014). “Effect of selenate on viability and selenomethionine accumulation of Chlorella sorokiniana grown in batch culture”. Živan Gojkovic, The Scientific World Journal, Vol. 2014. Article ID 401265, 13 pages. (I.F.: 1.745).

5. Canalejo A, Martinez-Dominguez D, Cordoba F, Torronteras R. Salt tolerance is related to a specific antioxidant response in the halophyte cordgrass, Spartina densiflora. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science. 2014.146: 68-75.


1. J. Williams, P. J. Hidalgo, et al (2011). The summertime Boreal forest field measurement intensive (HUMPPA-COPEC-2010): an overview of meteorological and chemical influences. ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS. DOI:

2. W. Song, J. Williams, N. Yassaa, M. Martinez, J.A. Adame, P.J. Hidalgo, H. Bozem, J. Lelieveld (2011). Winter and summer characterization of biogenic enantiomeric monoterpenes and anthropogenic BTEX compounds at a Mediterranean Stone Pine forest site. JOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY. DOI:

3. P. Alcázar, H. García-Mozo, M.M. Trigo, L. Ruiz, F.J. González-Minero, P.J. Hidalgo, C. Díaz de la Guardia and C. Galán (2011). Platanus pollen season in Andalusia (southern Spain): trends and modeling. JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING. DOI:


1. M.B. Márquez-García, P.J. Hidalgo, F. Córdoba (2009). Effect of different media composition on the micropropagation of Erica andevalensis, a metal accumulator species growing in mining areas (SW Spain). ACTA PHYSIOLOGIAE PLANTARUM. DOI:


1. P.J. Hidalgo, J.M. Marín, J. Quijada, J.M. Moreira (2008). A spatial distribution model of cork oak (Quercus suber) in southwestern Spain: A suitable tool for reforestation. FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT. DOI:

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