
Bibliografía sobre la composición escrita en la clase de inglés como lengua extranjera


Web articles on Writing / Teaching Writing


Bibliografía sobre la integración de las TIC en el aula de inglés


Bibliografía sobre la composición escrita en la clase de inglés como lengua extranjera

Byrne, Donn.  Teaching Writing Skills. London and New York: Longman, 1988.

Hedge, Tricia.  Pen to Paper.  Edinburgh: Nelson, 1983.

Higgins, Muriel.  Composition through Grammar.  Longman, 1985.

Lindemann, Erika.  A Rhetoric for Writing Teachers.  New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1987.

Peterson, Jan and Stacy A. Hagen.  Better Writing Through Editing. 

Pincas, Anita.  Writing in English: Book 1. London and Basingstoke: Macmilla, 1982.

---.  Teaching English Writing.  London and Basingstoke: Macmilla, 1982.

Raimes, Ann.  Techniques in Teaching Writing.  Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1983.

---.  Exploring through Writing: A Process Approach to ESL Composition.  Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998.

Tribble, Chris.  Word for Word.  Longman, 1989.


Web Articles on writing


"The Writing Teacher's Friend: An Editing Checklist for Students" by Coleman South


"Teaching writing" by Nada Abisamra


"EFL writing: Product and Process,"  written by Costas Gabrielatos from Greece. 


"Teaching Writing as a Process and Teaching Sentence-Level Syntax: Reformulation as ESL Composition Feedback" by Sharon Myers,Texas Tech University


"The Role of Topic and the Reading/Writing Connection" by Barbara L. Kennedy
University of Kentucky


Collaborative E-mail Exchange for Teaching Secondary ESL: A Case Study in Hong Kong" by Roseanne Grenfield, Language Learning and Technology.


"A Computer-Mediated Scientific Writing Program"


"Helping ESL Writers Grow" by John M. Green


"Conferencing: An Interactive Way to Teach Writing"


"Developing Intercultural Awareness and Writing Skills Through Email Exchange" by Caroline Mei Lin Ho, Nanyang Technological University (Singapore)


"Marking Student Work on the Computer, by Martin Homels," The Internet TESL Journal


Articles on using ICT in ELT


"Teaching and Old Dig New Tricks: Effective Use of the Word Processor in ESL" by David Hughes.


"E-Mail Keypals for Language Fluency" by Thomas N. Robb,Kyoto Sangyo University.





Bibliografía sobre la integración de las TIC en el aula de inglés

Adell, J. 1995. “Educación en la Internet.” Universitas Tarraconensis, serie IV, vol extraordinari XX Setmana Pedagògica: 207-214.

Adell, J. 1995. “La navegación hipertextual en el World-Wide-Web: implicaciones para el diseño de materiales educativos.” Online. Internet (28/1/1997) Aailable WWW: (Comunicación presentada a EDUTEC’95, II Congreso de Nuevas Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación para la Educación. Universitat de les Illes Balears (22-24 de novembre 1995)

Adell, J. 1996. “Internet en educación: una gran oportunidad.” Net Conexion, 11:44-47

Alcaraz, E. 1990. 3 Paradigmas de la Investigación Lingüística. Alcoy: Editorial Marfil. Ch.9

Anderson, M. 1995. “Using computer conferencing and electronic mail to facilitate group projects.” Journal of educational technology systems. 24, 2: 113-118.

Banger-Drowns, Robert L. 1993. “The word processor as an instructional tool: A meta-analysis of word processing in writing instruction.” Review of Educational Research. 63, 1: 69-93.

Barajas, M. i Simó, N. 1995. “Multimedia en la escuela. ¿Para qué y cómo?” Cuadernos de Pedagogía. 230:23-27.

Barnett, L. 1993. “Teacher off: Computer technology, guidance and self-access.” System, 21,3:295-304.

Beauvois, M.H. 1992. “Computer-assisted classroom discussion in the foreign language classroom: Conversation in slow motion.” Foreign Language Annals. 25, 5: 455-464.

Beauvois, M.H. and College, L. 1996. “Personality types and Megabytes: Students Attitudes toward computer mediated communication (CMC) in the language lassroom.” CALICO Journal: 27-45.

Bernd Conrad, K. 1996. "CALL-non- English L2 instruction." Annual Review of Applied Linguistics,16: 158-181.

Bicknell, Jerry. 1998. Student-Authored Web Pages as an ESL Writing Tool. Online (Internet 17/02/1998). Available WWW: ttp://

Borras, I. and Lafayette, R.C. 1994. “Effects of multimedia courseware subtitling on the speaking performance of college students of French.”The Modern Language Journal, 78, 1:61-75

Bossert, P. 1996. “Understanding the technologies of our learning environment.” NASSP butlletin. 80.582:11-20.

Branstad, T. 1996. “Technology in Iowa schools: Linking classrooms and making opportunities accessible.” NASSP butlletin. 80,582: 21-24.

Bialystock, E. 1990. Communication Strategies: A Psycological Analysis of Second Language Use. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.

Burstein, J. et al. 1996. “Technologies for language assessment.” Annual Review of Applied Linguistics. 16: 240-260.

Burston, J. 1993. “Exploiting available technology.” CALICO Journal.11.1: 47-52.

Chapelle, C and Mizuno, S. 1989. “ Student’s Strategies with Learner-Controlled CALL.” Calico Journal. 7.2: 25-47.

Chang, K.R. and Flint Smith, WM. 1991. “Cooperative learning and CALL/IVD in beginning Spanish: An experiment.” The Modern Language Journal, 75, 2: 205-211.

Chapelle, C.A. 1990. “The discourse of Computer-Assisted Language  Learning: Towards a Context for descriptive research”. Tesol Quarterly 24.2: 199-225.

Chapelle, C.A. 1994. “CALL activities: Are they all the same?” System, 22: 33-45.

Chapelle, C. A. 1996. “CALL-English as a second language.” Annual Review of Applied Linguistics. 16: 139- 57.

Chun, D.M. 1994. “Using computer networking to facilitate the acquisition of interactive competence.” System, 22:17-31.

Chun, D.M. and Plass, J.L., 1996. “Effects of multimedia annotations on vocabulary acquisition.” The Modern Language Journal, 80,2: 183-198.

Cononelos, T. and Oliva, M. 1993. “Using computer networks to enhance foreign language/culture education.” Foreign Language Annals, 26:527-534.

Cotterall, S. 1995. “Developing a course strategy for learner autonomy.” ELT Journal 49.3: 219-227. G.1

Croft, R. S. 1994. “What is a computer in the classroom? A Deweyan philosophy for technology in education.” Journal of educational technology systems. 22,4: 301-308.

Davies, D. and Pritchard, A. 1993. “The multimedia teleschool-linking European initiatives.” Journal of Computers Assisted Learning. 9: 107-114.

Eastment, D. 1996. “CD-ROM materials for English language teaching.”ELT Journal. 50.1:69-79.

Eastment, D. 1996. “The Internet and ELT: The impact of Internet on English Language Teaching” The British Council English Language: News . Online . Internet (2/5/97). Available WWW: http://www.britcoun .org/english/engnews.htm

Egbert, J.l and Jessup, L.M. 1996. “Analytic and systematic analysis of computer-supported language learning environments”. Online. internet (28/1/97) Available WW:

Eldred, J. 1995. “Researching Electronic networks”. Written Communication. 12, 3: 330-359.

Ellis, G, and Sinclair, B. 1989. Learning to Learn English: A Course in Learner Training. Cambridge Universitiy Press.

Fabris, M.E. 1992. “Using multimedia in the multicultural classroom.” Journal of educational technology systems. 21,2: 163-171.

Fantin, J.P. 1995. “Video in multimedia systems: the experience at Yazigi schools in Porto Alegre, Brazil.” Online. Internet 27-1-97) Available WWW: http://

Garret, N. 1991. “Technology in the service of language learning: Trends and issues.” The Modern Language Journal. 75, i: 74-97.

Gass, S. 1993. “Second language acquisition: past, present and future.” Second Language Research, 9, 2: 99-17.

Gisbert, M. Adell, J. and Rallo, R. 1996. “Training teachers with hypertext: using HTML and Internet tools as didactic resources. Online. Internet (2/2/1997) Available WWW: 96/inet 96.html.

Gonzalez-Bueno, M. 1998. “The effects of electronic mail on spanish L2 discourse.” Language learning and technology. 1, 2: 50-65. (31/01/98) Available WWW: http://

Greenleaf, C. 1994. “Technological indeterminacy. The role of classroom writing practices and pedagogy in shaping student use of the computer.” Written communication. 11,1:85-130.

Guitert, M. i Penín, Ll. 1995. “La telemática. Una enseñanza sin fronteras.” Cuadernos de Pedagogía. 230:19-22.

Hartley, J. 1993.“Writing, thinking and computers.” British Journal of Educational Technology. 24.1:22- 31.

Heron, C.A. and Moos, M.A. 1993. “Electronic media in the foreign language and literature classroom: A fusion between science and the humanities.” Foreign Language Annals. 26: 479-490.

Higgins, J. 1994. “Talking documents.” Online. TESL-EJ, 1,2:1-4 Internet (4/3/1997) Available WWW:

Hoter, E. 1997. “English through the Iternet” Online. Internet. (9/11/1997). Available WWW:

Hulstijn, H. 1993. “When do foreign-language readers look up the meaning of unfamiliar words? The influence of task and learner variables.” The Modern Language Journal 77, 2: 139-147.

Ishiwatari, K. 1995. “Three cheers for find and replace! Introducing Japanese High School students to word-processing.” Online. Internet (27/1/97). Available WWW:

James, R. 1996. “Call and the speaking skill.” System, 24,1: 15-21.

Jones, J. 1995. “Self-access and culture: retreating from autonomy.” ELT Journal 49.3: 228-234.

Kelly, C. 1998. “How to make a successful ESL/EFL teacher’s Web Page”. Online (Internet 01/05/98).

Kelm, O.R. 1992. “The use of synchronous computer networks in second language instruction: A preliminary report.” Foreign Language Annals. 25: 441-454.

Kern, R.G., 1995. “Restructuring classroom interaction with networked computers: Effects on quantity and characteristics of language production.” The Modern Language Journal, 79, 4: 458-476.

Lamb, A. et all. 1997. “Wondering, wiggling and weaving: a new model for project-and community based learning on the web.” Learning and Leading with Technology. April 1997:6-13.

Layne, P.P. and Lepeintre, S. 1996. "Distance Instruction". Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 16: 226-239.

Leppänen, S. and Kajala, P. 1995. “Experimenting with computer conferencing in English for Academic Purposes.” ELT Journal,49.1:26-36.

Larsen-Freeman, D. 1991. “Second Language Acquisition Research: Staking Out the territory.” Tesol Quarterly, 25, 2: 31 5-351.

Lunde, K. 1990. “Using electronic mail as a medium for foreign language study and instruction.” CALICO Journal. 7.3: 68-78.

Martínez, F. 1996. “Educación y nuevas tecnologías.” Online. Internet (28/1/1997). Available WWW:

Martorella, P. 1996. “The degathering of society: Implications for technology and educators.” NASSP butlletin. 80.582: 34-41.

Mills, D. 1995. “A home on the web: our experience.” Online. Internet (2/11/97) Available WWW:

Meunier, L.E. 1996. “Human factors in a Computer Assisted foreign language environment: effects of gender, personality and keyboard Control.” CALICO Journal. 13.2&3: 47-72.

Meskill, C. 1993. “ESL and multimedia: A study of the dynamics of paired student discourse.” System, 21: 323-341.

Murison-Bowie, S.1996. “Linguistic corpora and language teaching.” Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 16: 182-199.

Nagata, N.1993. “Intelligent computer feedback for second language instruction.” The Modern Language Journal, 77, 3: 331-339.

*Ogasawara, A. 1996. “Choosing and summarizing internet resources.” Online. Internet (16/3/1997) Available WWW: html

Osuna, M. and Meskill, C. 1998. “Using the World Wide web to integrate Spanish language and culture: a pilot sutdy.” Online. Language Learning & Technology. Vol.1,No2: 66-87 (Internet 31/01/1998) Available WWW:

Oxford, R. 1990. Language Learning Strategies: What every teacher should know. New Yourk: Newbury House Publishers.

Oxford, R. 1993. “Research on second language learning strategies”.Annual Review of applied linguistics, 13: 175-187

Oxford, R. and Ehrman, M. 1993. “Second Language research on individual differences.” Annual Review of Applied linguistics, 13: 188-205.

Oxford, R. 1996. Language Learning Strategies around the World: cross-cultural perspectives. Rebeca L.Oxford Editor.

Paramskas, D. 1993. “Computer-assisted language learning (CALL): Increasingly integrated into an ever more electronic world.” Canadian Modern Language Review. 50.1:124-143.

Pennington, M. 1993. “Exploring the Potential of word processing for non-native writers”. Computers and the humanities, 27: 149-.163.

Pérez, A. 1996. DTTE: Una experiencia de aprendizaje colaborativo a través del correo electrónico. Online . Internet (14/2/1997) Available WWW: http://Edutec 3.html

Permanyer, D. 1995. "Learner strategies use by students of 1st `Batxillerat´: an empírical view". Treball d’investigació del programa de doctorat (9 crèdit) i dirigit per la Dra.Maria Luz Celaya, del departament de filologia anglesa i alemanya de la Universitat de Barcelona. (document sense publicar). Barcelona, septembre 1995.

Permanyer, D. 1998. “Multimedia, the use of CD-roms in the English classroom”. Acta de la ponència de la convenció de APAC ELT 1998. Apac of News, 34: 43-45.

Peterson, N.S,. and Facemyer, K.C. 1996. “The impact of the Internet on Learners and Schools.” NASSP butlletin. 80.582: 53-58.

Piñero, A. i Vives, N. 1997. “La comunicación global.” Cuadernos de Pedagogía 258:54-62.

Rob, T. N. 1996. “E-mail keypals for languageFluency.” Foreign Language Notes, 38, 3: 8-10.

Rowntree, D. 1995. “Teaching and learning online: a correspondence education for the 21st century?” British Journal of Educational Technology, 26.3:205-215.

Rubin, J. 1975. “What the `Good Language Learner’ can teach us”. TESOL QUARTERLY, 9 (1): 41-51.

Sanders, R.H. 1995. “Thirty years of Computer assisted language Instruction: Introduction.” CALICO Journal,12.4: 7-14.

Schmidt, R. 1993. “Awareness and second language acquisition.” Annual Review of applied linguistics, 13: 206-226.

Schulz, R. 1993. “What one has to know about methodology in Computing.” CALICO Journal, 14.4: 39-56.

Scott, V. and New, E. 1994. “Computer aided analysis of foreign language writing process.” Calico Journal, 11,3:5-18.

Secules, T. et all, 1992. “The effect of video context on foreign language learning.” The Modern Language Journal, 76,4:480-490.

Seedhouse, P. 1994. “Using newspapers on CD-Rom as a resource.” Online. Internet (16/2/1997). Available WWW:

Sengupta,S. and Nicholson, S. 1996. “On-line and ongoing: teacher development through TeleTeach.” ELT Journal, 50,4:290- 302.

Silver, N. and Repa, T. 1993. “The effect of word processing on the quality of writing and self-esteem of secondary school English-as-second-language students: writing without censure”. J.Educational Computing Research, 9,2: 265-283.

Soh. B.L. and Soon, Y.P. 1991. “English by E-mail: Creating a global classroom via the medium of computer technology. “ ELT Journal, 45, 4: 287-292.

Sussex, R. and White, P. 1996. "Electronic networking". Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 16: 200- 225.

Svenconis, D. and Kerst, S. 1995. “Investigating the teaching of second-language vocabulary through semantic mapping in a hypertext environment.” Calico Journal. 12, 2 & 3: 37-57.

Tragant, E. 1993. “Estrategias de aprendizaje en el aula”. Actas del 3er symposium sobre estrategias y aprendizaje del uso de la lengua (26-29 enero, 1993. Sevilla).

Trathen C. and Sajeev, A.S.M. “A protocol for computer mediated education across the internet.” British Journal of Educational Technology, 27.3:204-213.

Van den Brande, L. 1993. “R&D on learning telematics in the European Communitiy.”Journal of Computers Assisted Learning. 9, 75-85.

Vidal, T. 1997. “Para saber más.” Cuadernos de Pedagogía 258:68-78.

Vilmi, R. 1994. Global communication through Email: An ongoing experiment at Helsinki University of Technology. (Conference given at EUROCALL, 94 Conference, Karlsruhe) Online. Internet (9/2/1997) Available WWW:

Warschauer, M. 1996a. “Comparing face-to-face and electronic discussion in the Second Language Classroom.” CALICO Journal, 13. 2&3: 7-26.

Warschauer, M. 1996b. Computer-mediated collaborative learning: theory and practice.NFLRC Research notes#17. University of Hawaii, Second Language Teaching and Curriculum Center.

Warschauer, M. 1996c. Computer-assisted language learning: An introduction. In S.Fotos (Ed.), Multimedia language teaching (pp. 3-20). Tokyo: Logos International. M1

Warschauer, M. (1996). Motivational aspects of using computers for writing and communication. In M. Warschauer (Ed.), Telecollaboration in foreign language learning (pp. 29-46).Honolulu, HI: Second Language Teaching & Curriculum Center (Universityof Hawai'i Press). Retrieved [May, 27, 98] from the World Wide Web: .



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