bulletAppreciate the importance of internet as a means of communication and a source of information
bulletRevise vocabulary related to computers, internet and the environment.
bulletRevise the use of the future tense, should, mustn't and the passive voice.
bulletWriting for a purpose, giving advice.
bulletGenerate ideas on a topic and organize them.
bulletWork in groups effectively.
bulletDevelop good behaviours towards our environment
bulletDevelop a positive attitude towards writing.


bulletRead about the history of Internet.
bulletUse the internet to search for information about recycling.
bulletRead a text searching for specific information.
bulletUse vocabulary related to recycling and the environment.
bulletWork in groups to discuss and a reach a consensus.
bulletWriting for fun creating a story in groups.



  A short history of the internet

The ability of the computer to send and receive information across powerful networks is becoming very useful particularly in education. But, no matter how large the Internet has become,  it still offers us only a few of the services that will be possible in the future with broadband networks. The Internet is the largest store of information on this planet. The Internet is commonly named as 'the Net'.There are almost three million servers on the Net, accounting for a number of users estimated to reach at least 125 million in two years.

The Internet owes its existence to a very unlikely source: the United States' Department of Defense at the Pentagon. The internet was born for military reasons thinking about a future nuclear war. We can find the real origin of present internet in five super-computers which began working in the 1980 for the American National Science.


         Internet is similar to an infinite library. You can find any kind of information related to languages, science, music, technology, medicine, travels, entertainments. Students can take advantage of the internet for their studies. But internet is so big that we need to know how to find what we are looking for. It is very easy to look for information in the internet, especiall using the search engines. Email is another great way of communicating with people anywhere in the world and we can't forget online conferencing, chats, etc. which facilitate communication among many people.




What do you know about internet?


Have you ever used internet? What for?


Do you have internet at home?


Do you think it is useful?


What can you do on the internet?

Discuss your answers with your partner.


Let's learn some vocabulary related to computers and the internet:

Remember to use the online dictionary if you don't know the meaning of a word

search engine


home page

 to save

download/upload a document

to chat



to load a page





floppy disk



web page

web site


compose an email

to surf the net

to log in

to log out


  broadband    modem

Vocabulary practice: "Computers and Internet"


The future and Internet: Put the words in the correct order to form a sentence.




Surfing the web to improve our writing

In this activity we are going to visit a web pages especially created to help us improve our writing. You will see that writing can be exciting!

"Paragraph Punch": Follow the instructions to write a composition step by step. You will be surprised how easy writing is! Keep your online dictionary open to look up words that you don't know.


Writing skills: Using conjunctions


Doing research on the internet: Save the earth!

Recycling Webquest


A final exciting activity:  "Chain Story!!!"

In this activity you work in groups of 4. Each student writes a sentence to continue the story. It will be funny!




Remember to revise and rewrite your text




                                                                       ONLINE DICTIONARY


Ultima actualización: 1 de enero de 2004

webmaster: Antonia Domínguez Miguela