Percepciones de los directores de enseñanza secundaria sobre la gestión de la diversidad cultural en España: El reto del liderazgo educativo.

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Este es uno de los resultados del artículo que será publicado en la revista Educational Management Administration & Leadership titulado “Perceptions of secondary school principals on management of cultural diversity in Spain. The challenge of educational leadership” por Gómez-Hurtado, I., González Falcón, I., & Coronel, J.M., del Grupo de Investigación Educativa DOCE

Más información en el siguiente enlace




This is one of the results of the article that will be published in the journal Educational Management Administration & Leadership entitled “Perceptions of secondary school principals on management of cultural diversity in Spain. The challenge of educational leadership. ” by MGómez-Hurtado, I., González Falcón, I., & Coronel, J.M., from the Educational Research Group DOCE.

More information in the next Link


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