This project has been develop between the Technical University of Graz and the University of Huelva, with the aim of using remotely the Flight simulator located in Graz at the the Technical University.

For this purpose, a Private Virtual Connection (VPN) is used. It allows to generate of a trustworthy, efficient and sure flow of information. In this way, by means of a Point to Point VPN, and with coding IPSec, the base of the communications of the project has been implemented.


The first test of communication was performes on March 19 with optimal results.


First, the network VPN was established. Then, the Client requested his record in the Server application to be able to receive information. Finally the Server application decided what types of information should be sent to the Client.



The following application is the DCUSimulator. It takes charge of generating the types of information that in future will be provided by the Flight simulator:









































To be able to show the information received in the Huelva route VPN the following application has been used:


























The tests showed that a minimum delay existed between the sent and received data and proved a very high system reliability. The control that the permissions of sending and the safety level showed invites to continuing with the following step, allowing users to control the Flight Simulator from Huelva.



Flight Simulator Connection Project




1.1 DCUSimulator Version 2.6.3

1.2 Pro Line 21 Replica PFD1