American Literary Stereotypes

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Vol. II Issue 1


WINTER  2004


d Yvonne Atkinson (California State University )

        "Mammy" (p.1)

d Dane Barca (University of California)

       "More apparent than Real: Benito Cereno, Jacksonian Imperialism, and the Ocular Fallacy" (p.25)

d Melissa L. Grunow-Chávez 

       “Trash Rises”: Class Consciousness and the Transcendence of “White-Trash” Assumptions in Allison’s Bastard out of Carolina (p.51)

d Erin E. Macdonald (University of Waterloo, Ontario)

       "The Rhetoric of Race: The Use of Racial Stereotypes in Ed McBain’s 87th Precinct Novels(p.65)

d William Matthew McCarter (University of Texas-Arlington)

       "Homo Redneckus Redefining White Trash in American Culture "(p.97)

d Zoe Trodd (Harvard University)

         "A Note Absolute Stereotypes and Synecdoches of The Past, in the four-lane narrative highway of Hawthorne, James, Morrison and Mukherjee"(p.136)

d Elyssa Warkentin (University of Alberta, Canada.)

       "Building our own Homes: Frustrated Stereotyping in Leslie Feinberg’s Stone Butch Blues"(p.164)