Manolo Reyes

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Miembro del Grupo de Investigación "Espacios de Banach y Sistemas dinámicos" de la Universidad de Huelva.(FQM276)

Código ORCID: 0000.0003-2485-832X

Código ResearchID: M-1686-2014

Tésis doctoral: Problemas de centro e isocronía. Linealización t-homogénea de campos vectoriales. Huelva, 2009                                                                    

Artículos internacionales publicados:

Algaba, A.; García, C.; Reyes, M.; Invariant Curves and Analytical Integrability of a Planar Vector Field. Journal of Differential Equations, 266, 1357-1376 (2018).

Algaba, A.; García, C.; Reyes, M.; Analytical integrability problem for perturbations of cubic Kolmogorov systems. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 113, 1-10 (2018).

Algaba, A.; Fuentes, N.; García, C.; Reyes, M.; Non-formally integrable centers admitting an algebraic inverse integrating factor. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 38 (3), 967-988 (2018).

Algaba, A.; García, C.; Reyes, M.; Monodromy of a class of analytic generalized nilpotent systems through their Newton diagram. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 287, 78-87 (2015).

Algaba, A.; Checa, I.; García, C.; Reyes, M.; Local Phase Portraits through the Newton Diagram of a Vector Field. Acta Mathematica Sinica English Series, 31, 6, 1015-1034 (2015).

Algaba, A.; Fuentes, N.; García, C.; Reyes, M.; .A class of non-integrable systems admitting an inverse integrating factor. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 420, 2, 1439-1454, (2014)..

Algaba, A.; García, C.; Reyes, M.: A new algorithm for determining the monodromy of a planar differential system, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 237, 419-429 (2014)

Algaba, A.; García, C.; Reyes, M.: A note on analytic integrability of planar vector fields. Euro. Jnl. of Applied Mathematics, 1-8, (2012)

Algaba, A.; García, C.; Reyes, M.: Existence of an inverse integrating factor, center problem and integrability of a class of nilpotent systems. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 45, 869–878, (2012).

Algaba, A.; García, C.; Reyes, M.: Nilpotent systems admitting sn algebraic inverse integrating factor over C((x,y)). Qualitative theoy of dynamical systems, 10,2, (2011), 303-316.

Algaba, A.; García, C.; Reyes, M.   Characterization of a monodromic singular point of a planar vector field.  Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications, 74, 5402-5414, (2011).

Algaba, A.; García, C.; Reyes, M.  Integrability of two dimensional quasi-homogeneous polynomial differential systems.  Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, 41, 1, 1-22, (2011).

Algaba, A.; García, C.; Reyes, M.  Rational integrability of two-dimensional quasi-homogeneous polynomial differential systems.  Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications, 73, 1318-1327, (2010).

Algaba, A.; Merino, M.; García, C.; Reyes, M.  Degenerate global bifurcations in a simple circuit. International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 57, 2, 265-278, (2009).

Algaba, A.; García, C.; Reyes, M.  Like-linearizations of vector fields.  Bulletin des Sciences Mathematiques, 133, 806-816, (2009).

Algaba, A.; García, C.; Reyes, M.   Local bifurcation of limit cycles and integrability of a class of nilpotent systems of differential equations. Applied Mathematics and Computation 215 (2009), 314-323.

Algaba, A.; Reyes, M.  Characterizing isochronous points and computing isochronous sections.  Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 355, 2, 564-576, (2009).

Algaba, A.; Reyes, M.  Isochronous centres and foci via commutators and normal forms. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh (Series A), 138A, 1-13, 2008.

Algaba, A.; García, C.; Reyes, M.  The center problem for a family of differential equations having a nilpotent singular point.  Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 340, 32-43, 2008.

Algaba, A.; Reyes, M.. Computing Center Conditions for Vector Fields with Constant Angular Speed. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 154, 143-159, (2003)

Algaba, A.; Reyes, M. Centers with Degenerated Infinity and Their Commutators. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 278, 109-124, (2003)

Algaba, A.; Reyes, M.. Geometry of the Uniformly Isochronous Centers with Polynomial Commutator. Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems, 10, 257-275, (2002)

Capítulos de libros:

Antonio Algaba, Natalia Fuentes, Cristóbal García y Manuel Reyes.                Trends in Differential Equations and Applications.                                                Algebraic Inverse Integrating Factors for a Class of Generalized Nilpotent Systems. ISBN: 978-3-319-32012-0  Springer International Publishing (Switzerland) (2016)