Poussin, Landscape with Poliphemus,ca.1645, Hermitage Museum,Saint Petersburg, Russia.

Luis Rivero García (Zarza de Montánchez-Caceres, 1964) studied classical philology between 1982 and 1987 at the University of Seville, where he also began his teaching activity and obtained his Ph.D. in 1991. Between 1991 and 1997 he was Associate Professor at the University of Extremadura, and from 1997 to 2010 was teacher of Latin Philology at the University of Huelva, and from that year he is Professor of Latin Philology at this University.
His research work has focused on four areas: editing and textual criticism, the amatory literature, humanistic Latin, the work of Prudentius. He has published critical editions of Ovid's Medicamina femineae faciei, of De Orbe Nouo of Juan Ginés de Sepúlveda and, in collaboration with Profs. Ramírez de Verger, Estévez Sola y Librán Moreno, Virgil's Aeneid. Straddling the textual and literary analysis is his study of the elegy 2.15 of the Ovid's Amores (2004).
He has has been providing doctoral seminars in recent years on Latin amatory literature, and since the 2006-2007 academic year he has devoted to these subjects in the first two modules of Official Master on literary studies in Andalusia. He was also coordinator for the publication of the Dictionary of amatory motifs in Latin literature (Huelva, 2011).
In the field of humanistic Latin he has published, besides other works, a study of the Latin of the De Orbe Nouo of Juan Ginés de Sepúlveda (1993), the first monograph on that variety of Latin.
As a result of his attention to the work of Prudence, he has published, among other papers, the monograph The Poetry of Prudentius (1996) and the Spanish translation of his complete works (1997).
Luis Rivero coordinates the following working groups for the Research Project of Ovid's Metamorphoses: tradition and establishment of the text printed. He is also responsible for editing and textual commentary of Book XIII.

Finally, within the Research Project Critical edition of the Metamorphoses and Opera minora of Ovid he is conducting in collaboration with Dr. Ramírez de Verger the critical edition of the Opera minora of (pseudo-)Ovid for the Bibliotheca Teubneriana.

Web:  http://www.uhu.es/luis.rivero/