
[Last update: July 04, 2016]

The Research Group "Nicolaus Heinsius" (HUM-261) from the University of Huelva is formed by an international team of researchers engaged in the critical edition and commentary of the text of Ovid's Metamorphoses and Opera minora. This work was developed within the Excellence Research Project HUM-1019 "Ovid's Metamorphoses" (2006-2009) of the Junta de Andalucía (regional Government of Andalucía), and at present through two competitive research projects: Consolidated Project FFI2008-01843 "Ovidian: critical edition and textual commentary of Ovid's Metamorphoses" (2009-2013) of the Spanish Government, and Excellence Project HUM-4534 "Critical edition of Ovid's Metamorphoses and Opera minora" (2010-2013), of the Junta de Andalucía.
Its purpose is, on the one hand, to publish a new editio maior and the first commentarius criticus of Ovid's Metamorphoses. The editio maior proposes a new full collation of extant manuscripts and editions. The commentarius criticus is eminently textual: it differs from other previous approaches (e.g., Bomer, 1969-1986) or work in progress (e.g., Fondazione Lorenzo Valla, 2005 & sqq.).
Our team wil perform, on the other hand, for the Bibliotheca Teubneriana the critical edition of Ibis, Nux, Consolatio ad Liuiam, Epistula Sapphus and Halieutica, and the Scholia in Ibin, with a renewed and comprehensive collation of all manuscripts and editions.
Furthermore, we intend to broadcast to the international scientific community the goals and the results of our project through publications in international journals of broader scope, as has been our practice since many years.
It is, finally, our intention to create, in the medium term, the "Nicolaus Heinsius Research Institute", dedicated to the editing and critical commentary of literary texts from different periods and cultural settings.