What is your profile?
Are you living in Huelva or Province of Huelva during the course?

Sorry, Erasmus students must be living in Huelva during the courses.


Please select your type of teaching *

COURSE IDENTIFICATION: Español Lengua Extranjera (1st semester)
Please, select your level
Please, select your level
SPANISH LEVEL (CEFR) (1) TURN (schedule)
Please, select the turn according to your schedule
Please provide a copy of your passport
Máximo 1 fichero.
límite de 5 MB.
Tipos permitidos: gif, jpg, jpeg, png, pdf.
Please, provide a proof of registration at home university
Máximo 1 fichero.
límite de 5 MB.
Tipos permitidos: gif, jpg, jpeg, png, pdf.
Please, provide a document which proves your condition of Ukrainian refugee
Máximo 1 fichero.
límite de 5 MB.
Tipos permitidos: gif, jpg, jpeg, png, pdf.
Please, provide a proof of your registration in the UHU (matrícula)
Máximo 1 fichero.
límite de 5 MB.
Tipos permitidos: gif, jpg, jpeg, png, pdf.
Tratamiento de datos personales