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HIDROPON strains for spreading the results of his researches



The research group HIDROPON takes part in all the possible meetings to spread the results of his researches carried out inside the Project RISE.


In July, 2009, in Portugal, they presented the Poster "elaçao entre a incidencia do Tipburn no morangueiro e a concentraçao de cálcio na soluçao de rega” in the Encontro Anual da Sociedade Portuguesa da Ciência do Solo.

The web of the congress:  http://eventos.ualg.pt/EACS09/


On the other hand, in November, 2009, they presented in the SCI: From Field to Fork: How to improve the quality of fruits and vegetables, the poster "Effect of Pre-harvest Calcium application on Fruit Quality of Three Strawberry Varieties".

The web with the information: http://www.soci.org/News/hort-field-fork


All the efforts of the subproject are directed that the knowledge obtained across the researches, go to everybody.

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