Los aportes de la lingüística forense contra el cibercrimen

Palabras clave:

Cibercrimen, análisis de sautoría, análisis del significado, ciberacoso, discurso de odio, ciberestafa


This article presents different tasks of linguistic analysis that can contribute to the prosecution of cybercriminals during an investigation or to aid legal experts to reach decisions through an expert report. This article shows the application of different areas of forensic linguistics, such as linguistic profiling, authorship analysis, the analysis of meaning or criminal language, to different cases related to cybercrime. The cybercrimes analyzed include cyberbullying, cyberattacks through malware, hate speech or cyberfraud. Thus, this contribution highlights the potential of forensic linguistics in the fight against cybercrime.


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Cómo citar
Queralt, S. (2023). Los aportes de la lingüística forense contra el cibercrimen. Del Español. Revista de Lengua, 1, 259-271. https://doi.org/10.33776/dlesp.v1.7923