Literary topoi in today’s music as a bridge to the classics Spanish authors


literary topoi, literary education, songs, motivation, educational action research


This article presents a review of literary topoi in current music that come from classical Spanish authors and that, therefore, can be exploited didactically with the aim of bringing students closer to literature. The songs that young people listen to are a "powerful hook" with the literary tradition since they allow them to identify these topics and connect them with classic literary works. From a theoretical point of view, we begin by delving into the links between literature and music, we by addressing the concept of literary topic, and we conclude by connecting some current songs with classic literary works through some literary topics or catchwords. These approaches were subjected to classroom action research that was initiated in the framework of a doctoral dissertation and implemented in a Warsaw secondary school mainly during the 2013/2014 academic year. It was subsequently adapted for interactive use within an innovation project of the University of Zaragoza in the 2017/18 academic year and finally applied in an innovation project of the Government of Aragon with 3rd ESO students of the IES Ramón Pignatelli during the 2018/19 academic year. Finally, we analyzed the results of the practical applications, which showed an increase in both student motivation and understanding of literary content.


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Author Biographies

Rubén Cristobal Hornillos, Universidad de Zaragoza

Extraordinary doctorate award in Educational Sciences from the University of Granada in the 2016/17 academic year, Master's degree in ELE, Diploma of Advanced Studies in Spanish Literature and degree in Hispanic Philology and Journalism. He currently works as an Assistant Professor in the area of Didactics of Language and Literature at the University of Zaragoza. He has previously worked as a secondary school teacher in Zaragoza (2015-2018) and in Warsaw (2012-2015), and as a journalist for the Aragón Newspaper (2003-2008) and as communication director for the Zaragoza Provincial Council (2015). -2018). As a researcher, he has specialized in literary education from a multidisciplinary and transmedia approach, with the participation and coordination of two innovation projects at the University of Zaragoza (2017-18) and the Government of Aragon (2018-19) and with the realization of various publications and communications. He is part of the scientific committee of two specialized journals. He is a member of the ECOLIJ research group (Communicative and Literary Education in the Information Society. Children's and Youth Literature in the construction of identities), from which he has participated in research projects related to non-fiction children's books.

Juan de Dios Villanueva Roa, University of Granada

Associate Professor at Education Faculty of University of Granada. He belongs to a research group called Etimo. Teaching language and literature (HUM508). Writer, poet and journalist.


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How to Cite
Cristobal Hornillos, R., & Villanueva Roa, J. de D. (2023). Literary topoi in today’s music as a bridge to the classics Spanish authors . Linguo Didáctica, 2, 21-38.