Communicative English Language Skills Improvement Programme (CELSIP) through Challenge-Based Learning.


autonomous learning, challenge based learning, quality education, communication skills, secondary level


The unstoppable progress of technology combined with the circumstances caused by the past health crisis has led to new ways of learning and teaching EFL (English as a Foreign Language). This case study aims to create an adapted version of the already existing Communicative English Language Skills Improvement Programme (CELSIP) for Secondary Education and to implement it using a Challenge-Based approach to involve students more actively and to a greater extent in their learning process. This multimodal programme was designed to encourage autonomous learning by providing students with free tools to be more exposed to the target language and to improve students’ oral reception and production skills while responding to their personal needs and interests. For this study to be carried out, students worked autonomously during the challenge period, performed a challenge and reflected and self-assessed their learning progress through the tools provided to that end. The findings reported higher levels of motivation, better pronunciation in the target language (plurilingual competence) and new vocabulary acquisition.


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Author Biographies

Mónica Tudela Mahiques, Universidad de Valencia

Monica Tudela Mahiques is an English philologist with an Erasmus stay at the University of Exeter (Great Britain) and at the Deutsch Amerikanische Institut (DAI) in Heidelberg (Germany). She holds a Master's degree in Advanced Studies in Humanities and is currently a secondary education teacher. Her preferred research areas include humanities and the teaching of English as a foreign language.

María Alcantud Díaz , University of Valencia

Dr. María Alcantud Díaz is a philologist. Permanent Lecturer, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Education, with 2 six-year research periods, 3 five-year research periods, and a stay at Queen Mary University in London (Great Britain). She founded the TALIS research group at the University of Valencia. She has supervised four doctoral theses, the latest in 2023. Her preferred research areas include innovation in foreign language teaching and the incorporation of Sustainable Development Goals (ODS) into the education curriculum.


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How to Cite
Tudela Mahiques, M., & Alcantud Díaz , M. (2024). Communicative English Language Skills Improvement Programme (CELSIP) through Challenge-Based Learning . Linguo Didáctica, 3, 59-75.