Literary reading in Spanish as a foreign language (S/FL) classes in Brazil.
We understand that the literary text (LT) provides the student with a familiarity with the forms and uses of the language studied, in addition to the chance to acquire practical, functional, communicative, cultural, discursive and literary knowledge. With this, it can be a strong ally for the success of teaching and learning foreign languages, in order to develop the communicative and especially reading competence of language learners. In Brazil, it has already taken fifteen years of teaching, research, extension and practices for the inclusion of literature in Spanish language classes, considering the activities carried out in the Research Group LEER - Literature: Study, Teaching and (Re)reading of the world (Grupo de Pesquisa LEER - Literatura: Estudo, Ensino e (Re)leitura do mundo), at the Research Center of Teaching and Languages (Núcleo de Pesquisa em Ensino e Linguagens - NUPEL) and at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio Grande do Norte (IFRN). This article presents data from a survey conducted with twenty-seven public school high school students in Brazil and a Spanish language teacher from these classes and aimed to investigate the perceptions of students after participation in a systematic work of literary reading practices in Spanish in Brazilian High School. The instruments that served as the basis for our reflections were: the class observation protocols carried out by the researcher, as well as the students' responses to the evaluation questionnaire applied at the end of the school year. After carrying out our study, we noticed that the students began to have more confidence and feel more capable to understand and interpret texts in Spanish. We also point out that, for most of the participating students, the novel was the text chosen as the one they liked the most, followed by theater, poetry and short story, respectively.
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