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Curriculum Vitae

Fergal Kavanagh

Fergal has over fifteen years ELT experience in all levels of educational istitutions. An ex-Radio DJ, he has conducted Teacher Trainer sessions throughout Italy, as well as in Turkey, Bulgaria, Slovakia and Ireland. Combining his passion for music with teaching, he set up the website www.tuneintoenglish.com in 2004, and created a Roadshow which he takes into schools. In 2007 he co-wrote a text book for the lower high school.





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Dpto. de Filología Inglesa
Facultad de Humanidades
Pab. 11 alto, Campus “El Carmen”
Avda. Fuerzas Armadas, s/n
21071 Huelva
http://www.uhu.es/innovacion_docente/imagenes/iconos/telefono.gif959 219134   http://www.uhu.es/innovacion_docente/imagenes/iconos/telefono.gif89134 

Webmaster Antonio Sánchez Carrasco