
Pedro Pablo Fuentes González (España, 1963) is Professor of Greek at the University of Granada (Spain, 1994). He is teh Spanish editorial director of L'Année philologique (Granada, 2000). He has participated in the Socrates Programme (Venice, 1999). He is a member of the Resarch Group "Historiography and Ethnography of Antiquity and Renaissance" (PAI, HUM-235), and an associate member of the Research Group UPR 76 of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Villejuif (France) with special collaboration in the Dictionaire des Philosophes Antiques project (Dr. R. Goulet ed.). He is also a member of the Research "Speakers Spanish Greek manuscripts" (HUM2005-02415/FILO).

He has worked in the field of Greek philosophy, especially philosophy of cynicism; as a result of this research several books (Teles) and contributions to the Dictionnaire des Philosophes Antiques (Cornuto, Epictetus, Eratosthenes of Cyrene, Hippocrates of Chios, Luciano, among others items) have been published. He has carried out further studies  in the field of Greek historiography (esp. Diodorus of Sicily) or of the classical tradition in Spain. In the field of literary genres he has studied the cynic-stoic "diatribe". Finally, his most recent works deal with Greek codicology and paleography.

Pedro Pablo Fuentes participates in the following working groups for the Research Project of Ovid's Metamorphoses: Greek sources and manuscript tradition.