Academic Info

In the University of Huelva, you can study in Spanish or in a foreign language (mainly English). We offer you a great flexibility when choosing subjects. As International Students, you can select any course from your Faculty from any degree and year, provided of course, that your subjects’ choice should have been previously accepted by your home University.

Subjects lectured in Spanish

Study at the UHU

Dare to know


The Bachelor's Degree is the first cycle of official university education. Its purpose is to provide students with general training in one or more disciplines, aimed at preparing them for the exercise of professional activities.

Successful completion of these courses leads to the award of the official university degree of Graduate, which must be recognisable and relevant in society and in the national and European labour market.

The UHU has 30 degrees and 8 double degrees, most of them centralised at the El Carmen Campus and others at the La Merced Campus.

Official Masters

The official master's degree is the second cycle of university studies. Its aim is for students to acquire advanced training of a specialised or multidisciplinary nature, oriented towards academic and professional specialisation, or to promote initiation in research tasks.

Successful completion of these courses leads to the award of a University Master's degree.

In order to access the official Master's degree courses, it will be necessary to fulfil a series of access requirements.


The University of Huelva offers Doctoral Programmes aimed at training researchers in the main branches of knowledge: Arts and Humanities, Sciences, Social and Legal Sciences, Health Sciences and Engineering and Architecture.

These programmes are integrated into the European Higher Education Area and have been verified in accordance with the procedure established in current legislation.

Access to doctoral studies is open to those who meet the general requirements and admission criteria established in articles 6 and 7 and in the second additional provision of Royal Decree 99/2011, of 28 January.

Senior Classroom

The Aula de la Experiencia of the University of Huelva (AEUHU) is a programme of social, cultural and scientific development, aimed at promoting science and culture in a sector of the population of women and men who have acquired knowledge from their own life history and personal experience.

It aims to respond to the demand of people with previous training who, even though they have finished their work cycle, wish to remain active and want to continue participating in educational, social and cultural activities.

This training programme aims to promote intergenerational relations, through activities that involve the immersion of older people and their participation in various activities with groups of other ages, especially with UHU students.


The Modern Language Service of the University of Huelva offers you all the information you may need about the different languages taught at the UHU and the courses offered.

The courses are aimed at both the university community (students, teaching staff and administration and services staff) and anyone over the age of 16 interested in learning one or more of the languages we offer.

In addition, there are entrance exams for all the annual or specific courses offered.

Subjects lectured in a Foreign Languages 2022-23

TOT/EF English Subjects

TOT Fully English Subjects

Generic and specific subjects for Erasmus and UHU students alike. Please bear in mind that you can select any subject you want from the following pages. Information about schedules and subjects´ description will be updated daily. For more information, you can also check the website of each Faculty and for rooms location it is also helpful to ask in the Conserjería of the Faculty.

EF Subjects: English Friendly Subjects

These subjects will be lectured in Spanish but students will receive support from professors with materials and consultations in English. Recommended for medium level Spanish speakers(B1/B2). They are also expected to learn some technical Spanish from these subjects.

Subjects B.A. in English Literature/Linguistics

For more information about English Studies subjects, please look at the Faculty of Humanities website. The list below is just informative and may not be complete. For detailed and updated information, please have a look at the following links:

Academic Calendar and Welcome Week

Students are expected to comply with the UHU Academic calendar. Please check it before your arrival.

The week before the term starts, students are summoned to the UHU to attend the Welcome Week, where we will have orientation meetings and workshops as part of your arrival and integration process of the UHU. During this week, we will give detailed and comprehensive information about the UHU and Huelva, academic aspects of your mobility as well as practical and daily life tips and information. Attendance is compulsory.

PowerPoint documents (documents below) can only be downloaded in the FIREFOX browser

Los documentos en PowerPoint (documentos siguientes) solo se pueden descargar en el navegador FIREFOX

Academic Coordinators

Academic coordinators are professors from your Faculty who will be in charge of your academic guidance, advising and answering academic questions you might have. If you need academic assistance, please check the following links, depending on the type of your mobility, and contact them:

Spanish Language Courses

For more information about the Spanish language courses, please check


  • Registation will be done online in here in this link.
  • Once in here, students will be able to change/add/delete subjects according to their academic convenience and our regulations.
  • For more information about Registration, please check the Registration Workshop Session