Proyecto de Innovación Educativa

Desarrollo de la expresión escrita a través de la Integración de las TICS

 Introduction      Task      Process     Resources     Evaluation


In the following WebQuest, you will use the power of teamwork and the many resources on the Internet to learn all about the recycling process!

1) You will be asked to think about the advantages and disadvantages of using and/or recycling products. You will learn about the process of recycling, and specific terminology.

2) Each person on your team will learn about these topics, and think about the question 'Is recycling really useful?' from different viewpoints.


3)  You will be one of the following:

- The Recycling Advocate - a person who believes recycling is a necessity.
The Lazy Customer  who just don't care about polluting the environment with more waste.  
The Recycling Pessimist - a person who thinks that there are too many problems associated with recycling for it to be worth the time and money.

The Concerned Citizen - someone who just wants to see else can be done by governments and citizens to help the environment.

Then the four members of your group will come together to get a better understanding of the topic, and decide what might be the best answer.  After this your group will discuss your ideas and create you final product.

 Step 1:

Background: Something for Everyone

In order to get your team ready for this quest, you will all need to visit and explore the following sites. Everyone in your group will get some background information about different types of recyclable materials and the process of recycling before dividing into roles.

- Some Tips on Recycling

- Exercise on recycling terminology (Cloze text - Hot Potatoes)


Explore your findings and keep your eyes open for information you might think is useful in completing your role.



Step 2:

Looking Deeper from Different Perspectives


1. Your teacher will assign the roles. It is important that you take your role seriously, because no two roles are alike. Even if you don't agree with your role, remember that you are trying to see the issue from a different viewpoint.

2. Read the instructions and questions assigned to your role.

3. Explore all of the links used for your role.

4. Take notes in your Research Journal on each site you visit.

5. In your journal answer the questions assigned to your role.

6. Be prepared to focus what you've learned into one main opinion that answers the question based on your role.


Step 3:

 Debating, Discussing, and Reaching Consensus

Now that each person on your team has thought about recycling from a different viewpoint, and answered their questions each is an expert in his or her area!

1. One at a time, each person in your group should share with the group what he or she learned about recycling and show their viewpoint.

2. Together, discuss what might be the best answer. Each of you will bring a certain viewpoint to the answer: some of you will agree and others disagree. Use information, pictures, facts, opinions, etc. from the WebPages you explored to convince your team-mates that your viewpoint is important.

3. Your WebQuest team should write out a general answer that everyone on the team can agree upon.

4. Design your final product.It can be:

- A poster

- A Leaflet

- A Powerpoint resentation (For those of you really challenged!)

Each person in your group should contribute. Proofread the product.

At the bottom of the product be sure to include:

*names of the members of your group

*the name of your teacher

*your grade

*name of your school