Proyecto de Innovación Educativa

Desarrollo de la expresión escrita a través de la Integración de las TICS


 Introduction      Task      Process     Resources     Evaluation


  Read the following questions. If you don't know the answers, look at the links below and try to find the answers.

1. What is recycling? How do you know if something can be recycled? Are there specific terms used in recycling? Where does the trash go when it is recycled?

2. What materials are usually recycled? How can you recycle plastic? How can you recycle aluminium? Is the process of recycling aluminium and plastic different?

3. Where can you bring things to be recycled?  Is there more than one location in your area?

4. What is composting?

5. What can you do at school to help with recycling? What is an average amount of things that can be recycled from the cafeteria alone? List the items. Suggest ways our school might help with recycling.



1. The Internet Consumer Recycling Guide

2. The Shortest Recycling Guide

3. Recycling and Beyond (Online Activity)

4. Composting for Kids

5. Creating Less Trash at School