El Máster Universitario en Psicología Educativa. Prevención e Intervención Psicoeducativa en Contexto de Desarrollo, por la Universidad de Almería, la Universidad de Cádiz, la Universidad de Huelva y la Universidad de Málaga, viene a aportar formación de posgrado en Psicología Educativa. La Psicología Educativa es un campo profesional de la Psicología que interviene en los procesos psicológicos que afectan al desarrollo y al aprendizaje, a nivel personal y psicosocial (grupal, familiar y social). Se coordina con otros profesionales y participa en redes profesionales y científicas, en la gestión de I+D+i, y colabora con otras instituciones para promover el bienestar personal y la optimización de las condiciones de desarrollo.

Estos profesionales ofrecen servicios en contextos preventivos y educativos diferentes: formación de adultos, organizaciones no gubernamentales, gabinetes psicológicos, servicios sociales, escuelas de padres, empresas de formación de formadores, educación familiar, entre otros. También trabajan en centros dedicados a tiempo libre, en atención hospitalaria, con niños y adolescentes en riesgo, centros de menores, de acogida, en la atención a víctimas de maltrato infantil y violencia de género, en la mediación familiar, etc. Por tanto, este profesional atiende a las demandas de evaluación, intervención y asesoramiento psicoeducativo en los distintos contextos en los que puede desarrollar su labor profesional atendiendo a las problemáticas y condiciones actuales que afectan al desarrollo infantil y juvenil.

La Psicología Educativa cuenta con un amplio reconocimiento internacional académico y profesional. La Asociación Americana de Psicología (APA), referente internacional en el campo de la Psicología, tiene entre sus divisiones, dos que reconocen este campo de especialización. Concretamente la división 15: “Educational Psychology” y la 16: “School Psychology”. En este ámbito, se encuentran entre otras, la Asociación Internacional de Psicología Escolar (ISPA) y la European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI).

Objetivos del máster

  1. Proporcionar a los estudiantes una preparación sólida tanto en conocimientos teóricos como en habilidades prácticas en las diferentes funciones profesionales que les permitan:
    1. - Evaluar y diagnosticar, aportar el análisis psicoeducativo de diferentes situaciones y problemáticas.
    2. - Intervenir, proponer y desarrollar planes de actuación psicoeducativa que respondan a los análisis realizados.
    3. - Llevar a cabo un proyecto de investigación y colaborar en el desarrollo de nuevas metodologías y herramientas para la intervención.
  2. Proporcionar a los estudiantes la oportunidad de practicar, en una etapa inicial bajo la supervisión profesional, algunas de las competencias y roles requeridos para el ejercicio profesional.

Title description

Title: Master's Degree in Educational Psychology. Prevention and Psychoeducational Intervention in a Development Context

Center where it is taught: Faculty of Education, Psychology and Sports Sciences of the University of Huelva, Faculty of Education of the University of Cádiz, Faculty of Psychology and Speech Therapy of the University of Málaga, Faculty of Psychology of the University of Almería

Academic course of implementation:

Duration: a full academic year, 60 ECTS credits

Type of teaching: Blended

Branch of knowledge: Social and Legal Sciences

Number of new entry places offered in the first year of implementation: 60 places (15 places at each participating university)

Title publication date in the BOE:

Qualifies for the regulated profession: No

Number of ECTS title: 60

Program duration (credits/year): 60 credits/year

Languages in which the degree is taught: Spanish


Information about the title

The Master's Degree in Educational Psychology. Prevention and Psychoeducational Intervention in a Development Context, by the University of Almería, the University of Cádiz, the University of Huelva and the University of Málaga, comes to provide postgraduate training in Educational Psychology. Educational Psychology is a professional field of Psychology that intervenes in the psychological processes that affect development and learning, at a personal and psychosocial level (group, family and social). It coordinates with other professionals and participates in professional and scientific networks, in R+D+i management, and collaborates with other institutions to promote personal well-being and optimization of development conditions.

These professionals offer services in different preventive and educational contexts: adult training, non-governmental organizations, psychological cabinets, social services, parenting schools, trainer training companies, family education, among others. They also work in centers dedicated to free time, in hospital care, with children and adolescents at risk, centers for minors, shelters, in care for victims of child abuse and gender violence, in family mediation, etc. Therefore, this professional attends to the demands for evaluation, intervention and psychoeducational counseling in the different contexts in which he can carry out his professional work, taking into account the current problems and conditions that affect child and youth development.

Educational Psychology has wide international academic and professional recognition. The American Psychological Association (APA), an international benchmark in the field of Psychology, has among its divisions two that recognize this field of specialization. Specifically, division 15: “Educational Psychology” and 16: “School Psychology”. In this field, there are, among others, the International School Psychology Association (ISPA) and the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI).


Master's objectives

Provide students with a solid preparation both in theoretical knowledge and in practical skills in the different professional functions that allow them to:

  • Evaluate and diagnose, provide psychoeducational analysis of different situations and problems.
  • Intervene, propose and develop psychoeducational action plans that respond to the analyzes carried out.
  • Carry out a research project and collaborate in the development of new methodologies and tools for intervention.

Provide students with the opportunity to practice, at an early stage under professional supervision, some of the skills and roles required for professional practice.

Admission criteria

The admission criteria take into account the provisions of article 17 of RD1393/2007, modified by RD 861/2010, and are listed below:

The assessment of the merits claimed by the candidates in each of the sections contemplated in the scale will be carried out in accordance with the Recommended Income Profile section, therefore applying a correction coefficient based on the affinity of their degree.

Of income:

100% Affinity (Psychology): the merits are multiplied by a correction coefficient of 1.

Affinity 50% (Psychopedagogy, Pedagogy and Logopedia): the merits are multiplied by a correction coefficient of 0.50.

Affinity 25% (Social Education, Primary Education and Early Childhood Education. Merits are multiplied by a correction coefficient of 0.25

Therefore, the training required for access will be the one indicated above, or any other degree may be considered, provided that professional experience in Social, Community or Educational Intervention is accredited. Academic record (100%): average grade of the degree necessary to access the Master's and most relevant to your profile. In the event that the average grade of the academic record is not calculated, it will be calculated according to the following criteria:

Approved or validated: 1 point; Notable: 2 points; Outstanding: 3 points; Honors: 4 points. The average grade of the degree will be obtained by applying the following formula:

Average grade = (# grade for subject i * number of credits for subject i) / total credits taken.

The inclusion of special access tests is not foreseen. However, in the case of students from countries whose mother tongue is different from Spanish, it will be necessary to prove, along with the application, sufficient knowledge of our language (B1) (European Framework of Reference for Languages).