International Institutions
  • ICES, International Council for the Exploration of the Sea.
  • CORDIS. Community Research and Development Information System.
  • FAO Fisheries, FAOSTAT (Statistics); FishBase (Marine Species); GLOBEFISH (International Fishing Trade); ASFA (Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts); Aquaculture Production; Fishing Porduction; Software; Code of Conduct for Responsable Fisheries; Law of the Sea; WAICENT Informatio Finder.
  • OCDE Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.
  • AFS American Fisheries Society.
  • CEMARE Centre for the Economics and Management of Aquatic Resources, University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom.
  • IREPA Istituto Ricerche Economiche per la Pesca e l'Acquacoltura.
  • EAFE European Association of Fisheries Economists.
  • EUROSTAT European Union Statistics Institute.
  • IAMSLIC International Association of Aquatic and Marine Science Libraries and Information Centers.
  • ICLARM International Center for Living Aquatic Resource Management .
  • IFREMER Institut Francais de Recherche pour l'Exploitation de la Mer .
  • IIFET International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade.
  • IISD International Institute for Sustainable Development.
  • IMBC Institute of Marine Biology (Instituto de Biología Marina), Creta.
  • IMF International Monetary Fund.
  • UBC Universidad de British Columbia (Canadá) Fisheries Centre.
  • FØI Danish Research Institute of Food Economics.
  • IASCP International Association for the Study of Common Property.
  • IZWO Instituut voor Zeewetenschappelijk Onderzoek, Belgium.
  • NRI Natural Resources Institute (Instituto de Recursos Naturales), United kingdom.
  • EERG Environmental Economics Research Group , University of Stirling, Escotland.
  • IMR Institute of Marine Research, Bergen, Norway.
  • EAS European Aquaculture Society.
  • WAS World Aquaculture Society.
  • FEAP The Federation of European Aquaculture Producers .
  • SFI, Sea Fisheries Institute, Gdynia, Poland.
  • NMFS National Marine Fisheries Service, United States.
  • DFO The Canadian Department of Fisheries and Oceans.
  • ABARE Australia Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics.
    Spanish Intitutions

  • INE Instituto Nacional de Estadística.
  • IEA Instituto Andaluz de Estadística.
  • IEO Instituto Español de Oceanografía.
  • Mercasa Red de 22 mercas de distribución mayorista agroalimentaria.

    Resources for Economists

  • WebEc Free resources for Economists in the net
  • Penn World Tables. Economic datas for more than 152 countries and 29 subjects.
  • Econobase. Access to 79 journals and more than 30.000 papers.
  • Scandinavian Working Papers in Economics. Search engine of Scandinavian papers.
  • NBER (National Buerau of Economic Research). Search engine of economics papers
  • EconPapers. Search engine of economics papers and software available in the net.
  • Research Papers in Economics. Data base of full text economics papers.
  • IDEAS. Search engine of economics papers.
  • BibEc. Search engine of economics papers in electronic format

    Fishisng and Aquiculture

  • National Sea Grant Library. More than 72.000 documents about oceanography, marine education, fishing, coastal zones management, aquiculture, law of the sea…
  • PRAISE Pacific Regional Aquaculture Information service for Education, Universidad de Hawaii.
  • THOMAS COOPER Links of the University of South Carolina (USA) about marine resources in the web.
  • WebWAVES Search engine of fisheries bibliography.
  • Fish Info Service All the information about fishing, marine products and aquiculture. This web iclude information about fishing market prices, market reports and a dictionary about fishing species.
  • GADUS More than 2.500 links about fisheries.
  • WINDandSEA The Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences Internet Locator (Buscador de Internet de temas científicos relacionados con la atmósfera y los océanos). Contiene más de 1.000 enlaces a páginas web relacionadas con el mar y la atmósfera.
  • LarvalBase Data base about fish larvas.
  • AQUATEXT Aquiculture dictionary.
  • Ocean Law International law ot the sea.
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