Responsable: J.J. García del Hoyo e I. Herrero Chacón
Title: Multiple objectives in the management of EU Fisheries (MOFISH)

Founded by: Quality of Life and Management of Living Resources Programme (Unión Europea)

Duration, From: 2000/01

to: 2003/12
Responsable: J.J. García del Hoyo e I. Herrero Chacón
Title: Technical Efficiency in EU Fisheries: Implications for monitoring and management through effort control (TEMEC)

Founded by: Quality of Life and Management of Living Resources Programme (Unión Europea)

Duration, From: 2000/01

to: 2003/12
Responsable: J.J. García del Hoyo
Title:Development of an Statistics Informational System for Fisheries in Andalucia (SIEP)

Founded by: Consejería de Agricultura y Pesca

Duration, From: Abril 1999

to: 2001/10
Responsable: J.J. García del Hoyo
Title: Analysis and Evaluation of Andalucian INTERREG II Spain-Portugal European Programme.

Founded by: Consejería de Economía y Hacienda de la Junta de Andalucía

Duration, From: 2000/03

to: 2001/11
Responsable: J.J. García del Hoyo
Title: Socio-Economic Regulation of shellfishing in Huelva. Production and Commercialization.

Founded by: Exma. Diputación Provincial de Huelva

Duration, From: 2000/06

to: 2001/03
Responsable: J.J. García del Hoyo
Title: Anadalucian Fishing Production Statistics (1985-1999)

Founded by: D.a.p.-Consejería de Agricultura y Pesca de la Junta de Andalucía

Duration, From: 2000/05

to: 2001/02
Responsable: J.J. García del Hoyo
Title: Data on economic perfomance of fisheries sector

Founded by: European Union (Throught University of Vigo (Spain))

Duration, From: 2001/01

to: 2001/07
Responsable: Dr. D. Juan José García del Hoyo
Title: Commercial Viability Study of a Distribution Center of Fishing Products

Founded by: Consejería de Agricultura y Pesca D.a.p.

Duration, From: 1997/12

to: 1998/12
Responsable: J.J. García del Hoyo
Title: Evaluation of Striped Venus Market

Founded by: Consejería de Agricultura y Pesca D.a.p

Duration, From: 1997/12

to: 2000/05
Responsablel: J.J. García del Hoyo
Title: Bioeconomic Analysis of Andalucian Fisheries

Founded by: Consejería de Agricultura y Pesca

Duration, From: 1998/07

to: 1999/12
Responsable: J.J. García del Hoyo
TTitle: Regional Socio Economics Studies on Employment and the Level of Depedency on Fishing

Founded by: DG XIV-European Union. (throught D.A.P).

Duration, From: 1998/12

to: 2000/02
Responsable: J.J. García del Hoyo
Título: Creation of a Data Base of Andalucian Companies

Founded by: D.a.p. Consejería de la Presidencia de la Junta de Andalucía

Duration, From: 1999/12

to: 2000/02
Responsable: J.J. García del Hoyo
Title: Management Policies for Small-scale Fisheries

Founded by: Consejería de Agricultura y Pesca

Duration, From: 2000/05

to: 2000/09
Responsable: J.J. García del Hoyo
Title: Statistics Yearbook for Huelva (Spain) (1994-1998)

Founded by: Diputación Provincial de Huelva

Duration, From: 1988/01

to: 2000/12
Responsable: J.J. García del Hoyo
Title: Analysis of the effects of the Economic Activity of the Port of Huelva (Spain)

Founded by: Autoridad Portuaria de Huelva

Duration, From: 1998/01

to: 1999/12
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