• 2001 Salerno - XIIIth Annual EAFE Conference
  • 2002 Faro - XIVth Annual EAFE Conference
  • 2001 - Oslo (Norway), September 26th - 29th.
  • 2002 - Copenhagen (Denmark), October 1th - 5 th.
  • 2002 - Wellington (Nueva Zelanda), August 19th - 22th.
  • 2001 - La Coruña (Spain), June 21th - 22th.
  • 2002 - Madrid (Spain), June 20th - 21th.
    Scientific Meeting for Spanish Fishing in Mediterranean Sea
  • 2001 - Palamós. June 13rd - 15 th. Conclusions.
  • 2002 - Alicante. February 6th - 8 th. Conclusions.
    Multicriteria Decision Marking Conferrences
  • MCDM Winter Conference, (16th MCDM World Conference), Semmering, Austria, February 8th - 22nd, 2002.
  • 55th Meeting of the EWG "Multicriteria Aid for Decisions", Leipzig (Alemania), 14-16, de Marzo de 2002, organizado por M. Drechsler y F. Rauschmayer.
  • MOPGP'02 The Fifth International Conference on Multi-Objective Programming and Goal Programming: Theory & Applications, Nara, Japón, Junio 4-7, 2002.
  • IFORS 2002, Edimburgo, Escothland, United Kingdom, July 8th - 12nd, 2002.
    Efficiency Conferences
  • I Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis EFIUCO, Cordoba, Spain, May 14th - 16th , 2003
  • III Oviedo Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis, University of Oviedo, Spain, July 4th - 6th , 2002
  • Asia Conference on Efficiency and Productivity Growth, Center of Academic Activity, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Japan, July 19th - 20th , 2002.
  • Central and Eastern Europe Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis (CEE-WEPA), Bucharest, Romania, June 28th - 29th , 2002
  • North American Productivity Worshop (NAPWII), Union College, Schenectady, New York, June 20th-22nd , 2002
  • Easter 2002 Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis, Efficiency & Productivity Unit (EPU), University of Leicester, Leicester, United Kingdom, 27th April 2002.
  • 7th European Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis, University of Oviedo, Spain, September 25th - 27th , 2001
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