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Title: Synthesis of stable fuzzy control systems by design. (this text is written in spanish)
Autor: Antonio Javier Barragán Piña.
Director: Dr. José Manuel Andújar Márquez.
Defense date: July 7, 2009.
Thesis tribunal:
President: Pedro Albertos Pérez, C.U., Polytechnic University of Valencia.
Secretary: Francisco Gordillo Álvarez, C.U., University of Seville.
1st Vocal: Sebastián Dormido Bencomo, C.U., U.N.E.D.
2nd Vocal: Agustín Jiménez Avello, C.U., Polytechnic University of Madrid.
3rd Vocal: Patricio Salmerón Revuleta, C.U., University of Huelva.
Qualification: Cum Laude with honors.
PhD Extraordinary Award of the University of Huelva 2009/2010.
Best Thesis prize 2009-2011 awarded by Intelligent Control Intelligent Control group of CEA/IFAC.
Abstract: The principal objective of this Thesis was to establish a design methodology for fuzzy controllers as general as possible, so as to ensure the asymptotic stability of the closed loop control system. Similarly, we wanted to contribute to the formalization of fuzzy systems with tools that allow analysis of these systems according to the nonlinear control theory accepted by the scientific community.
My Thesis provided a comprehensive methodology for modeling, analysis and synthesis of fuzzy control systems, innovative in many respects, and whose development is discussed step by step throughout the memory. In each chapter provided both the structure of the software and algorithms necessary for practical implementation.
I.S.B.N.: 978-84-92944-72-9
Legal Deposit: H 34-2010
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LaTeX, C/C++ and MATLAB sources.
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An updated version of the source code of the algorithms developed in this thesis can be downloaded from the fuzzylogictools (FLT) project in Sourceforge.