1.1 Presentation

Since 2011, a diamond open access journal to the service of the tourism community under a core principle: quality over quantity

A journal 100% in English, 100% online, 100% open access and where no charges of any kind apply to authors or readers.

1.2 Focus and Scope

ET is an international, multi-disciplinary, refereed (under a double-blind peer review), online and fully open access journal, written 100% in English, aiming to promote and enhance research in all fields of the tourism industry. It is intended for readers in the scholarly community who deal with different tourism sectors, both at the macro and micro-level, as well as for professionals in this industry.

ET provides a platform for debate and dissemination of research findings, new research areas and techniques, conceptual developments, and articles with practical application to any tourism segment. It welcomes all kind of research papers, together with book reviews.

The material published in ET covers all scientific, conceptual and applied disciplines related to the tourism business, including economics, planning and development, management, marketing, human resources, sociology, psychology, geography, information and communication technologies, service quality, finance, and education.

In general terms, ET aims at:

*Disseminating and promoting research, good practice and innovation in all aspects of tourism to its prime audience, including educators, researchers, post-graduate students, policymakers, and industry practitioners.

*Encouraging international scientific cooperation and understanding, and enhancing multi-disciplinary research across all tourism sectors.

More specific aims (or themes of special interest to be addressed) are the following:

*The journal is specially conceived as a cross-cultural endeavour for building academic bridges between Europe and other continents. Therefore, papers with this focus are especially welcomed.

*Research that has the potential to inspire and enlighten responsible decision-making, policy-making, stakeholder engagement, and social and environmental business practices in the field of tourism will be particularly welcomed.

*Applied researches on small-and-medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are also of particular interest.

In sum, the journal features conceptual and empirical papers, and editorial policy is to invite the submission of manuscripts from academics, researchers, post-graduate students, policy-makers and industry practitioners. The Editorial Team/Board will be looking particularly for articles about new trends and developments within different sectors of tourism, and the application of new ideas and developments that are likely to affect tourism, travel, hospitality and leisure in the future. ET also welcomes the submission of manuscripts in areas that may not be directly tourism-related but cover a topic that is of interest to researchers, educators, policy-makers and practitioners in various fields of tourism.

1.3 Publication Frequency

ET will be intended to be published twice a year, covering the periods January-June and July-December.

Issues can be devoted to a single subject or open to free contributions within the aims and scope of the journal.

1.4 Indexing

In alphabetical order:

ACADEMIA.EDU: http://uhu.academia.edu/ET

ACADEMIC JOURNALS DATABASE: http://journaldatabase.info/journal/issn2174-548X

ARIAS MONTANO (repository of Huelva University): http://rabida.uhu.es/dspace/handle/10272/5232?locale-attribute=en

ANVUR, Italia (Agenzia Nazionale di Valutazione del Sistema Universitario e della Ricerca, A-Area 13): https://www.anvur.it/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Elenco-riviste-scient_Area13_IVquad_250822.pdf

CITEFACTOR: http://www.citefactor.org/journal/index/1867/enlightening-tourism-a-pathmaking-journal#.U_72iTLV-FE

CIRC: https://clasificacioncirc.es/ficha_revista?id=49743

COPERNICUS: http://journals.indexcopernicus.com/ENLIGHTENING+TOURISM+A+PATHMAKING+JOURNAL+ET,p12039,3.html

COSMOS IMPACT FACTOR: http://www.cosmosimpactfactor.com/page/journals_details/3720.html

CROSSREF: https://search.crossref.org/?q=2174-548X

DATAESTUR: https://www.dataestur.es/conocimiento-turistico/revistas-de-turismo

DIALNET: http://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/revista?codigo=16270

DICE: http://epuc.cchs.csic.es/dice/revista.php?rev=2174-548X

DOAJ: http://doaj.org/toc/359f1a03b51f4238b69658ec50318cb2

DRJI: http://olddrji.lbp.world/JournalProfile.aspx?jid=2174-548X

DULCINEA: https://www.accesoabierto.net/dulcinea/ficha2244

EBSCO (Hospitality & Tourism Complete): https://www.ebscohost.com/titleLists/hjh-coverage.htm

EBSCO (Hospitality & Tourism Index): https://www.ebscohost.com/titleLists/hoh-coverage.htm

ECONIS: http://www.econis.eu/DB=1/SET=6/TTL=1/CMD?ACT=SRCHA&IKT=1007&SRT=YOP&TRM=2174-548X

ELECTRONIC JOURNALS LIBRARY: https://rzblx1.uni-regensburg.de/ezeit/detail.phtml?bibid=AAAAA&colors=7&lang=en&jour_id=169714

ERIH PLUS: https://dbh.nsd.uib.no/publiseringskanaler/erihplus/periodical/info?id=477679

EUROPUB: https://europub.co.uk/journals/2705

EZB journals: http://ezb.uni-regensburg.de/ezeit/frontdoor.phtml?bibid=BSB&colors=7&lang=en&id=2631025&

GENAMICS: http://journalseek.net/cgi-bin/journalseek/journalsearch.cgi?field=issn&query=2174-548X

GENERAL IMPACT FACTOR: http://generalimpactfactor.com/jdetails.php?jname=ENLIGHTENING%20TOURISM.%20A%20PATHMAKING%20JOURNAL%20(ET)

GOOGLE SCHOLAR (CITATIONS): https://scholar.google.es/citations?user=eFJUviMAAAAJ&hl=en

INDICES CSIC: https://indices.app.csic.es/bddoc-internet/pages/mtorevistas/ConsultaDetalleRev.html?idRevista=2459

INFOBASE INDEX (IBI FACTOR): http://www.infobaseindex.com/journal-accepted.php

INTERNATIONAL IMPACT FACTOR SERIES (IIFS): https://impactfactorservice.com/home/journal/1465

INTERNATIONAL STANDARD SERIAL NUMBER (ISSN): https://portal.issn.org/resource/ISSN/2174-548X#

J4F: http://www.journals4free.com/link.jsp?l=33672266

JOUROSCOPE: https://www.jouroscope.com/Journals/enlightening-tourism/

LATINDEX: https://www.latindex.org/latindex/ficha?folio=21373

MIAR: http://miar.ub.edu/consulta.php?issn=2174-548X

OAJI: http://oaji.net/journal-detail.html?number=1203

OALIB: http://www.oalib.com/journal/6454/1#.WjZd5VXibIU

OPAC PLUS: https://opacplus.bsb-muenchen.de/metaopac/singleHit.do?methodToCall=showHit&curPos=1&identifier=100_SOLR_SERVER_1003589101

PROQUEST: http://www.proquest.com/blog/mfl/2012/Enlightening-Tourism-a-Pathmaking-Journal.html

PUBLONS: https://publons.com/journal/102531/enlightening-tourism-a-pathmaking-journal

RESEARCH BIBLE: http://journalseeker.researchbib.com/?action=viewJournalDetails&issn=2174548X&uid=rca5fc

RESH: http://epuc.cchs.csic.es/resh/indicadores

ROAD: http://road.issn.org/issn/2174-548X-enlightening-tourism#.UuEXxNiDPtR

SCIENTIFIC INDEXING SERVICE (SIS Impact Factor): http://www.sindexs.org/JournalList.aspx?ID=762

SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL IMPACT FACTOR (SJIF): http://sjifactor.com/passport.php?id=2393

SHERPA/RoMEO: http://www.sherpa.ac.uk/romeo/search.php?issn=2174-548X

WORLDCAT: https://www.worldcat.org/title/enlightening-tourism-a-pathmaking-journal/oclc/792969302&referer=brief_results

ZB MED: http://ezb.uni-regensburg.de/ezeit/search.phtml?bibid=ZBMED&colors=7&lang=en


1.5 Publication guides

We serve authors for free, so bear in mind that our time is a scarce and precious resource. Please, make our work easier by respecting and following the author guidelines (see next section) for the submission of your original manuscripts. Thank you!

1.6 Author Guidelines

Style and presentation rules to submit a manuscript:

Please go to the top navigation bar and click on INSOLE OF REFERENCE. A file with the detailed norms of style together with another containing a sample are available. Be aware that the ISO 690:1987 system of citations in text and reference format has to be followed, as indicated in the template provided. ECONLIT kEYS can be checked and selected from the following link: https://www.aeaweb.org/econlit/jelCodes.php?view=jel

The suggestions for writing academic papers issued by the International Academy of the Study of Tourism are also included: authors are invited to consider them carefully.

General overview:

a) Manuscripts must be written in acceptable, scholarly English (US or UK spelling is permissible, but not a combination of both). Neither the Editorial Board nor the publisher is responsible for correcting errors of spelling, grammar and punctuation.

b) To ensure anonymous review, authors should not identify themselves directly or indirectly in their manuscripts. The anonymity of both authors and reviewers will be guaranteed.

c) The paper should be as concise as possible, although not at the expense of clarity. The maximum recommended length is 10.000 words, including all types of tables, figures, illustrations, acknowledgements and references.

d) The font to be used is Arial letter, size 12.

e) The manuscript must have 25 mm (one-inch) margin on all four sides and be written with one and a half line spacing.

f) Separate paragraphs must be indented 5 mm left in the first line.

g) Pages must be numbered consecutively at the bottom centre.

h) If acronyms are used, their full expression should be given at their first occurrence.

i) Electronic submission through the online platform is compulsory. The software for submission is Microsoft Word. For technical support assistance, please contact Ms Eva García: eva.garcia@sc.uhu.es

j) The submission of a paper implies the originality of the work presented, which means that it has not been published already nor submitted anywhere else.

k) It is the authors' responsibility to obtain permission from the copyright owners to use quotations, illustrations, figures and the like from any other source. They are also responsible for completing the Submission and Publication Metadata, including Title (and Subtitle, if any), Abstract, List of Contributors, Keywords and References. If necessary, all these features should be updated at the end of the review process.

l) Manuscripts must not contain libellous connotations.

Please consult the section "Publication Ethics and Malpractice" for more details.

Submission Preparation Checklist

Please go to ABOUT in the main bar: 4. Submissions