2020 SJR (SCImago Journal & Country Rank)


I am pleased to share the Journal Impact Growth highlighted by the recently published SJR 2020, based on Scopus data.

· The 2020 SJR becomes 0.201, which is an improvement over the 2019 SJR, which was 0.128.

· The citations per document metric (2 years) has also increased from 0.333 in 2019 to 1.462 in 2020.

· Although still in the Q4 quartile, the journal improves its position in the area in which it is indexed, "Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management", from 108 in 2019 to 103 in 2020.

There is still a long way ahead, but these positive results would not have been possible without the efforts of our authors, reviewers, readers and all of you in general. We would like to thank your important contributions.

I am confident that we can continue to count on your support and, so, the journal can go on its positive evolution, despite our modesty and the constraints we have.

Alfonso Vargas-Sánchez
Editor in Chief of Enlightening Tourism. A Pathmaking Journal