• Miguel Ángel Solano-Sánchez Universidad de Córdoba
  • Jaime Aja-Valle
  • Rocío Arteaga-Sánchez
  • Tomás López-Guzmán


Astrotourism, Astronomical Tourism, Astrotourist, Stars, Artificial Neural Networks, Multilayer Perceptron


This research aims to determine the variations that occur in the socio-demographic profile (gender, age, educational level and income) of the visitor interested in astrotourism based on some questions about the activities they carry out related to astronomy, motivations, economic and social benefits and the assessment of experiences about astrotourism through data gathered by a questionnaire. An artificial neural network is developed to generate potential “identikits” or estimated profiles of astrotourists based on the replies incorporated into the model and easily customisable by the researcher, this being especially useful in the development of products and services adapted to astrotourism.


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How to Cite
Solano-Sánchez, M. Ángel, Aja-Valle, J., Arteaga-Sánchez, R., & López-Guzmán, T. (2024). UNVEILING ASTROTOURISTS’ PROFILES. ACTIVITIES, MOTIVATIONS, ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL BENEFITS AND EXPERIENCES. ENLIGHTENING TOURISM. A PATHMAKING JOURNAL, 14(2), 1-16. https://doi.org/10.33776/et.v14i2.8287