Study of the presence of endocrine disruptors and of his toxic effects in marshes and aquatic ecosystems of the cross-border region of the southwest of Spain and Portugal
Area de medioambiente
Jose Luis Gómez Ariza
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Study of the presence of endocrine disruptors and of his toxic effects in marshes and aquatic ecosystems of the cross-border region of the southwest of Spain and Portugal



The environmental studies require new analytical tools that they should allow to establish and to diagnose the possible consequences on the living beings, systems of production, agricultural and fishing resources, and definitively his influence on the man and the urban environments. The study of the presence of the pollutants must go joined to his biological answers. These studies are specially important when they are considered endocrine  disruptors (organometallic compounds, detergents, PAHs, PCBs) for his critical action on the aquatic systems like consequence of not arranging of filter systems efficiently for these pollutants. The adjustment of analytical suitable and efficient methodologies for these pollutants must go joined to the development technologies ómicas, which can play an essential role for a major knowledge of the biological answers. This offer centres on marshes and aquatic ecosystems of the cross-border region of Spain and Portugal. It will be considerated especially The Bay of Cadiz, The River Odiel in Huelva, the Natural Place Marsh of the Odiel (Huelva), where live many migratory birds and a rich population of invertebrates, the Tideland Domingo Rubio, Isla Cristina's Marshes, the River Guadiamar (in the opposite Spain Portugal) and The  River of Formosa (Portugal). Since bioindicadtors there were used flat Scrobicularia, Chamalaea hen and Nerea diversicolor, though the study does not exclude the study of any species 'ictícola' or seafood factory with comecial or food interest.

There will use analytical methodologies of last generation like the couplings HPLC-MS, HPLC-ICP-MS, procedures 'proteómicos' based in 2 - D with MALDI-TOF-MS, and techniques 'metalómicas' on multidimensional chromatography, ICP-MS, and spectrometry of masses in tandem.



The southwest of the Iberian peninsula, specially in the frontier zone between Spain and Portugal there exist diverse aquatic environments, estuaries and marshes which environmental situation depends critically on the contributions of pollutant substances as consequence of the agricultural and industrial activity, as well as of the influence of the urban and aquicultural spillages. A great number of the known pollutants are treated and eliminated of the waste water by means of a network normalized of filter systems, but in recent dates there has been detected the presence of new pollutants (emergent pollutants) which chemical nature limits the action of the systems of purification. Between them the endocrine disruptors are (ED) whose toxicological action escapes, in addition, to the normal process of evaluation of the environmental risk. An important characteristic of the EDs is that these substances can exercise his action even in enormously low concentrations. Some of these disruptors of the endocrine system are of natural origin whereas others many are anthropogenics, and can concern all kinds of alive organisms.


Zone of Study

The study will centre on diverse ecosystems of the coastal system of the southwest of Spain - Portugal (region Algarve-Huelva), where there are located several marshes of great ecological importance: There River Formosa (Portugal), The Guadiana (Spain - Portugal), Isla Cristina's Marshes (Huelva), Natural Place Marshes of the Odiel (Huelva) in those that there live many migratory birds and a rich population of invertebrates (flat Scrobicularia, Nereis diversicolor, Chamelaea hen).



One tries to develop analytical procedures for the study, the characterization and diagnostics of the presence of medicaments of generic character in samples of marshes with ecological importance of the south border of Spain - Portugal, in the zone The Algarve - Huelva.


General Aim

  1. To develop analytical procedures for the study, the characterization and diagnostics of the presence of medicaments of generic character in samples of marshes with ecological importance of the south border of Spain - Portugal, in the zone The Algarve - Huelva


Specific Aims

  1. To design analytical methodologies for the analysis of endocrine disruptors in the ecosystems in study.
  2. To apply analytical methodologies in ecosystems of the southwest of Spain - Portugal (region Algarve-Huelva).
  3. To study biological molecular signal based on the characterization of enzymes antioxidative, enzymes biotransformadoras, oxidative damages in biomolecule, and levels of 'metalotioneinas' and 'acetilcolinoesterasa'.
  4. To study the effects caused by medicaments in diverse bioindicadores of the zone of study: (i) S. page (hepatopancreas and gills) and Nereis diversicolo.
  5. To integrate the results and analysis of information.


There would be realized a sampling of sediment and organisms on stations selected in each of the zones of study in order:

   1. To analyze the levels of the compounds Ibuprofeno, Diclofenac and Carbamezapine on diverse stations.
   2. To realize trials on the effect of the pharmacists in fish, mollusks and copépodos, analyzing answers to level of stress oxidativo, proteómico and genomic.

A. Adjustment of methodology for analysis of disruptores endocrine.

    Metallic pollutants and chemical species


  • Analysis of total metals
    The metal determination will be done in the samples of soils / muds and biota (flat Scrobicularia and Chamelaea hen and Nereis diversicolor). The samples lyophilized of the bioindicadores will surrender to assault for microwave and analysis with ICP-MS, with the cell of collision when it is necessary. 
  • Especiación of mercury
    The samples will be analyzed using a procedure that the group of the UHU has developed. This methodology is based on HPLC's use connected to ICP-MS by means of a device for the generation of cold steam (HPLC-CV-ICP-MS), realizing the extraction represented with bath of ultrasounds for the samples of fabric and separating the intermediate water of the samples of sediment for his analysis. 
  • Especiación of selenium
    There will be used a procedure optimized by the group of the UHU, based on the coupling HPLC-CP-MS, extracting the species with ultrasounds 
  • Especiación of tin
    There will be used procedures developed in the UHU for analysis of environmental samples (sediments and biota), used before in two European projects (HIC-TBT and OT-SAFE; http: // www.ivm.falw.vu.nl/Research_projects/index.cfm). 
  • Especiación of arsenic
    The analysis of the species will do to itself with HPLC - (UV)-HG-ICP-MS [63,64], with an interface for the generation of hydrides, and an optional component with lamp UV, in the above mentioned interface, to destroy the organic part of the molecule, when the species of arsenic do not generate hydrides (e.g. arsenobetaína). 

Organic Micropollutant

  • Pesticides and PCBs To the analysis of pesticides and PCBs in environmental counterfoils, will use a conventional procedure based on the extraction soxhlet and purification with alúmina basic or Florisil, deciding the pollutants for gas chromatography with detector of capture of electrons (GC-ECD) and/or detector of masses (GC-MS) of more general character, but that presents a great selectivity in his way MS/MS. 
  • Aromatic polycyclical hydrocarbons (PAHs) will analyze 16 considered priority PAHs for the EPA, the IARC and the National Program of Toxicology. The analysis of fabrics and sediments will be done following procedures used by the group of the US and other authors with light variants 
  • Sulfonatos of linear alquil-benzenes (THEM) In this initial stage of the study will analyze the presence of these pollutants in soils/sediments using a variant of the procedure developed by the group of the US for mires of filter system. 
  • Emergent pollutants There will be developed rapid procedures for the extraction of organic micropollutants, pesticides, PCBs, PAHs and THEM in soils/sediments and biota. UP and MDSE will study systems of extraction PLE, MAE. In the PLE the simultaneous purification will be considered of special form in the cell of extraction. For chlorinated pesticides and PCBs there will be optimized a procedure developed by the group of the UHU for volatile pollutants chlorinated in food samples, which uses the coupling SPME-GC-ECD-ICP-MS. To study pesticides of low volatility there will develop procedures based on the liquid chromatography connected to hybrid detectors of masses (QqQ and QqTOF). 


B. Adjustment of methodology for analysis of disruptores endocrine.

There will apply to themselves the analytical methodologies developed in the task previous to samples of sediments and bioindicadores that will be obtained in a campaign of sampling. The bioindicadores selected depending on the experience acquired in the previous estuios of NETWORK CONTAMAR and PROTEOBIOMAR, are: the bivalves flat Scrobicularia and Chamelaea hen and the poliqueto Nereis diversicolor.


C. Study of biomarcadores conventional biochemists.

In extracts 'citosolic' of digestive gland of animals control and problem there will analyze five biomarcadores biochemists sensitive to different types of pollutants:

   1. Malondialdehido (MDA), by-product of the assault oxidativo to lipids
   2. Glucosa-6-P deshidrogenasa (G6PDH), activity sensitive to metals and compounds prooxidantes
   3. Carboxilesterasa (CbE), activity inhibited for the pesticides OPs and CMs detected in Doñana
   4. Carbonization (Prot. C=O) and oxidation of groups-SH (Prot. S-S) of proteins, modifications of hurts(damages) oxidativos.

There will be evaluated the levels of these molecular biomarcadores in the bioindicadores and zones selected. This will allow to establish possibly correlations between the presence of disruptores endocrine and his effects in the alive organisms of the zone. 


Studies proteómicos and metalómicos

  • Optimization of procedures metalómicos in the selected bindicadores will follow a scheme of two-dimensional work:
    1. Profile obtaining of metalobiomoléculas for SEC-ICP-MS.
    2. Purification of the fractions separated by HPLC-ICP-MS.
  • Analysis 'metalómico' in the first dimension (SEC) will study the fraction citosólica of the hepatopancreas of the bioindicadores (20-30 individuals) in the diverse points of sampling. The analysis will be carried out using the chromatography of exclusion of size (SEC) connected in series to a detector UV and another atomic (ICPMS) (16,97).

  • Analysis 'metalómico' in the second dimension [(RP, RP-IP, SAX, SCX) HPLC] The aim of this second dimension is to purify the fractions of the first one, and to separate different chromatographic peaks that facilitate the identification of the metalobiomoléculas for MS.

  • Identification for spectrometry of masses of metalobiomoléculas differentially expressed. The present metalobiomoléculas in the most interesting peaks separated by means of both chromatographic dimensions, will identify in addition for spectrometry of masses in tandem.


D. Coordination and final integration of results

The groups of the consortium will be in permanent contact, thanks to the current telematic resources, for the coordination of his works. In addition workshops will be organized every 6 months of alternative form in Huelva and Faro for exchange of experiences and information, harmonization of results and transfer of methodological knowledge.


Teams participants

  1. Mr. JOSE LUIS GÓMEZ ARIZA. Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
  2. Ms. MARIA JOAO BEBIANO. Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
  3. Mr. JULIAN BLASCO. Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
  4. Ms. TAMARA GARCÍA BARRERA. Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
  5. Ms. RUT FERNANDEZ TORRES. Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
  6. Ms. MACARENA GONZÁLEZ FERNÁNDEZ. Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
  7. Mr. FERNANDO MORENO ROLDÁN. Email: fernando.moreno@ dqcm.uhu.es
  8. Mr. JOSE MANUEL MANSO SAYAGO. Email: jose.manso@ dqcm.uhu.es
  9. Ms.ROCÍO JARA BIEDMA. Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
  10. Mr. MANUEL CONTRERAS ACUÑA. Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
  11. Ms.AMANDA GAGO TINOCO. Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Record of the group of research

The group of research " Environmental Analysis and Bioanálisis " belonging to the University of Huelva (FQM141) and the groups of research of the Teachers M. Bebiano (University of the Algarve - Faro, Portugal) and J. Blasco (Institute of Marine Sciences - Cadiz) that take part in the present project, have developed a very intense and fruitful collaboration in projects and previous studies and there has made possible the present offer in which really innovative methodologies are approached in the field of the Analytical Chemistry and of the 'ómicas', looking for an integration that allows to evaluate the biological response to the effects of the pollutants in the environmental systems.

The group FQM141 of the Andalusian Plan of Research (PAI) goes more than 25 years developing new procedures of analysis, specially in the field of the metallic especiación and methodologies related to the environment and the pollution. The experience of the group in this field has led him to taking part in diverse projects like 1FD97-0610, REN2002-04366 and CTM2006-08960, NETWORK CONTAMAR and PROTEOBIOMAR that constitute clear precedents of the present offer.

The group FQM-141 is pioneering in Spain in the field of the chemical especiación, the metalómica and the environmental studies related to differential and emergent pollutants, having taken part in 11 national projects and 6 Europeans, who have generated approximately 180 publications in the last 15 years. In addition the group has been consulted as expert in environmental topics by diverse organizations and public entities by means of agreements or contracts of research.



The environmental studies require new analytical tools that they should allow to establish and to diagnose the possible consequences on the living beings, systems of production, agricultural and fishing resources, and definitively his influence on the man and the urban environments. The study of the presence of the pollutants must go joined to his biological answers. These studies are specially important when they are considered endocrine  disruptors (organometallic compounds, detergents, PAHs, PCBs) for his critical action on the aquatic systems like consequence of not arranging of filter systems efficiently for these pollutants. The adjustment of analytical suitable and efficient methodologies for these pollutants must go joined to the development technologies ómicas, which can play an essential role for a major knowledge of the biological answers. This offer centres on marshes and aquatic ecosystems of the cross-border region of Spain and Portugal. It will be considerated especially The Bay of Cadiz, The River Odiel in Huelva, the Natural Place Marsh of the Odiel (Huelva), where live many migratory birds and a rich population of invertebrates, the Tideland Domingo Rubio, Isla Cristina's Marshes, the River Guadiamar (in the opposite Spain Portugal) and The  River of Formosa (Portugal). Since bioindicadtors there were used flat Scrobicularia, Chamalaea hen and Nerea diversicolor, though the study does not exclude the study of any species 'ictícola' or seafood factory with comecial or food interest.

There will use analytical methodologies of last generation like the couplings HPLC-MS, HPLC-ICP-MS, procedures 'proteómicos' based in 2 - D with MALDI-TOF-MS, and techniques 'metalómicas' on multidimensional chromatography, ICP-MS, and spectrometry of masses in tandem.




The southwest of the Iberian peninsula, specially in the frontier zone between Spain and Portugal there exist diverse aquatic environments, estuaries and marshes which environmental situation depends critically on the contributions of pollutant substances as consequence of the agricultural and industrial activity, as well as of the influence of the urban and aquicultural spillages. A great number of the known pollutants are treated and eliminated of the waste water by means of a network normalized of filter systems, but in recent dates there has been detected the presence of new pollutants (emergent pollutants) which chemical nature limits the action of the systems of purification. Between them the endocrine disruptors are (ED) whose toxicological action escapes, in addition, to the normal process of evaluation of the environmental risk. An important characteristic of the EDs is that these substances can exercise his action even in enormously low concentrations. Some of these disruptors of the endocrine system are of natural origin whereas others many are anthropogenics, and can concern all kinds of alive organisms.

Zona de Estudio

El estudio se centrará en diversos ecosistemas del sistema costero del suroeste de España-Portugal (región Algarbe-Huelva), donde se localizan varias marismas de gran importancia ecológica: Ría Formosa (Portugal), Río Guadiana (España-Portugal), Marismas de Isla Cristina (Huelva), Paraje Natural Marismas del Odiel (Huelva) en las que habitan numerosas aves migratorias y una rica población de invertebrados (Scrobicularia plana, Nereis diversicolor, Chamelaea gallina).


Se pretende desarrollar procedimientos analíticos para el estudio, la caracterización y diagnosis de la presencia de fármacos de carácter genérico en muestras de marismas con importancia ecológica de la frontera sur de España-Portugal, en la zona Algarve-Huelva.



Objetivo General

  1. - Desarrollar procedimientos analíticos para el estudio, la caracterización y diagnosis de la presencia de fármacos de carácter genérico en muestras de marismas con importancia ecológica de la frontera sur de España-Portugal, en la zona Algarve-Huelva


Objetivo Específico

  1. Poner a punto metodologías analíticas para el análisis de disruptores endocrinos en los ecosistemas en estudio
  2. Aplicar metodologías analíticas en ecosistemas del suroeste de España-Portugal (región Algarbe-Huelva).
  3. Estudiar biomarcadores moleculares basados en la caracterización de enzimas antioxidativas, enzimas biotransformadoras, daños oxidativos en biomoléculas, y niveles de metalotioneinas y acetilcolinoesterasa.
  4. Estudiar los efectos causados por fármacos en diversos bioindicadores de la zona de estudio: (i) S. plana (hepatopancreas y branquias) y Nereis diversicolo.
  5. Integrar los resultados y análisis de datos.


Se realizaría un muestreo de sedimento y organismos en estaciones seleccionadas en cada una de las zonas de estudio a fin de:

  1. Analizar los niveles de los compuestos Ibuprofeno, Diclofenac y Carbamezapine en diversas estaciones.
  2. Realizar ensayos sobre el efecto de los farmacéuticos en peces, moluscos y copépodos, analizando respuestas a nivel de estrés oxidativo, proteómico y genómico.

A. Puesta a punto de metodología para análisis de disruptores endocrinos.

    Contaminantes metálicos y especies químicas


  • Análisis de metales totales
    La determinación de metales se hará en las muestras de suelos/lodos y biota (Scrobicularia plana y Chamelaea gallina y Nereis diversicolor). Las muestras liofilizadas de los bioindicadores se someterán a ataque por microondas y análisis con ICP-MS, con la celda de colisión cuando sea necesario.
  • Especiación de mercurio
    Las muestras se analizarán utilizando un procedimiento que el grupo de la UHU ha desarrollado. Esta metodología se basa en el uso de HPLC acoplado a ICP-MS mediante un dispositivo para la generación de vapor frío (HPLC-CV-ICP-MS), realizando la extracción asistida con baño de ultrasonidos para las muestras de tejido y separando el agua intersticial de las muestras de sedimento para su análisis.
  • Especiación de selenio
    Se usará un procedimiento optimizado por el grupo de la UHU, basado en el acoplamiento HPLC-CP-MS, extrayendo las especies con ultrasonidos
  • Especiación de estaño
    Se usarán procedimientos desarrollados en la UHU para análisis de muestras medioambientales (sedimentos y biota), usado previamente en dos proyectos europeos (HIC-TBT y OT-SAFE; http://www.ivm.falw.vu.nl/Research_projects/index.cfm).
  • Especiación de arsénico
    El análisis de las especies se hará con HPLC-(UV)-HG-ICP-MS [63,64], con una interfase para la generación de hidruros, y un componente opcional con lámpara UV, en dicha interfase, para destruir la parte orgánica de la molécula, cuando las especies de arsénico no generen hidruros (e.g. arsenobetaína).

Microcontamientes Orgánicos

  • Plaguicidas y PCBs Para el análisis de plaguicidas y PCBs en matrices ambientales, se usará un procedimiento convencional basado en la extracción soxhlet y prificación con alúmina básica o Florisil, determinándose los contaminantes por cromatografía de gases con detector de captura de electrones (GC-ECD) y/o detector de masas (GC-MS) de carácter más general, pero que presenta una gran selectividad en su modo MS/MS.
  • Hidrocarburos aromáticos policíclicos (PAHs) Se analizarán los 16 PAHs considerados prioritarios por la EPA, la IARC y el Programa Nacional de Toxicología. El análisis de tejidos y sedimentos se hará siguiendo procedimientos utilizados por el grupo de la US y otros autores con ligeras variantes
  • Sulfonatos de alquil-bencenos lineales (LAS) En esta etapa inicial del estudio se analizará la presencia de estos contaminantes en suelos/sedimentos utilizando una variante del procedimiento desarrollado por el grupo de la US para fangos de depuradora.
  • Contaminantes emergentes Se desarrollarán procedimientos rápidos para la extracción de microcontaminantes orgánicos, plaguicidas, PCBs, PAHs y LAS en suelos/sedimentos y biota. Se estudiarán sistemas de extracción PLE, MAE, UP y MDSE. En la PLE se considerará de forma especial la purificación simultánea en la celda de extracción. Para plaguicidas clorados y PCBs se optimizará un procedimiento desarrollado por el grupo de la UHU para contaminantes volátiles clorados en muestras de alimentos, que utiliza el acoplamiento SPME-GC-ECD-ICP-MS. Para estudiar plaguicidas de baja volatilidad se desarrollarán procedimientos basados en la cromatografía líquida acoplada a detectores de masas híbridos (QqQ y QqTOF).


B. Puesta a punto de metodología para análisis de disruptores endocrinos.

Se aplicarán las metodologías analíticas desarrolladas en la tarea anterior a muestras de sedimentos y bioindicadores que se obtendrán en una campaña de muestreo. Los bioindicadores seleccionados en función de la experiencia adquirida en los estuios previos de RED CONTAMAR y PROTEOBIOMAR, son: los bivalvos Scrobicularia plana y Chamelaea gallina y el poliqueto Nereis diversicolor.

C. Estudio de biomarcadores bioquímicos convencionales.

En extractos citosólicos de glándula digestiva de animales control y problema se analizarán cinco biomarcadores bioquímicos sensibles a distintos tipos de contaminantes:

  1. Malondialdehido (MDA), subproducto del ataque oxidativo a lípidos
  2. Glucosa-6-P deshidrogenasa (G6PDH), actividad sensible a metales y compuestos prooxidantes
  3. Carboxilesterasa (CbE), actividad inhibida por los plaguicidas OPs y CMs detectados en Doñana
  4. Carbonización (Prot.C=O) y oxidación de grupos -SH (Prot.S-S) de proteínas, modificaciones de daños oxidativos.
Se evaluarán los niveles de estos biomarcadores moleculares en los bioindicadores y zonas seleccionados. Esto permitirá establecer posible correlaciones entre la presencia de disruptores endocrinos y sus efectos en los organismos vivos de la zona.

Estudios proteómicos y metalómicos

  • Optimización de procedimientos metalómicos en los bindicadores seleccionados Se seguirá un esquema de trabajo bidimensional:
    1. Obtención de perfiles de metalobiomoléculas por SEC-ICP-MS
    2. Purificación de las fracciones separadas por HPLC-ICP-MS.
  • Análisis metalómico en primera dimensión (SEC) Se estudiará la fracción citosólica del hepatopancreas de los bioindicadores (20-30 individuos) en los diversos puntos de muestreo. El análisis se llevará a cabo usando la cromatografía de exclusión de tamaño (SEC) acoplada en serie a un detector UV y otro atómico (ICPMS)(16,97).
  • Análisis metalómico en segunda dimensión [(RP,RP-IP,SAX,SCX) HPLC] El objetivo de esta segunda dimensión es purificar las fracciones de la primera, y separar diferentes picos cromatográficos que faciliten la identificación de las metalobiomoléculas por MS.
  • Identificación por espectrometría de masas de metalobiomoléculas diferencialmente expresadas Las metalobiomoléculas presentes en los picos más interesantes, separados mediante ambas dimensiones cromatográficas, se identificarán además por espectrometría de masas en tandem.


D. Coordinación e integración final de resultados
Los grupos del consorcio estarán en contacto permanente, gracias a los actuales recursos telemáticos, para la coordinación de sus trabajos. Además se organizarán talleres cada 6 meses de forma alternativa en Huelva y Faro para intercambio de experiencias e información, armonización de resultados y transferencia de conocimiento metodológico.



Equipos participantes

  1. JOSE LUIS GÓMEZ ARIZA. Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
  2. MARIA JOAO BEBIANO. Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
  3. JULIAN BLASCO. Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
  4. TAMARA GARCÍA BARRERA. Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
  5. RUT FERNANDEZ TORRES. Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
  6. MACARENA GONZÁLEZ FERNÁNDEZ. Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
  7. FERNANDO MORENO ROLDÁN. Email: fernando.moreno@ dqcm.uhu.es
  8. JOSE MANUEL MANSO SAYAGO. Email: jose.manso@ dqcm.uhu.es
  9. ROCÍO JARA BIEDMA. Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
  10. MANUEL CONTRERAS ACUÑA. Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
  11. AMANDA GAGO TINOCO. Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Historial del grupo de investigación

El grupo de investigación “Análisis Medioambiental y Bioanálisis” perteneciente a la Universidad de Huelva (FQM141) y los grupos de investigación de los Profesores M. Bebiano (Universidad del Algave - Faro,Portugal) y J. Blasco (Instituto de Ciencias Marinas - Cádiz) que participan en el presente proyecto, han desarrollado una colaboración muy intensa y fructífera en proyectos y estudios anteriores y ha hecho posible la presente propuesta en la que se abordan metodologías realmente innovadoras en el campo de la Química Analítica y de las ómicas, buscando una integración que permita evaluar la respuesta biológica a los efectos de los contaminantes en los sistemas medioambientales.

El grupo FQM141 del Plan Andaluz de Investigación (PAI) lleva más de 25 años desarrollando nuevos procedimientos de análisis, especialmente en el campo de la especiación metálica y metodologías relacionadas con el medio ambiente y la contaminación. La experiencia del grupo en este campo le ha llevado a participar en diversos proyectos como 1FD97-0610, REN2002-04366 y CTM2006-08960, RED CONTAMAR y PROTEOBIOMAR que constituyen claros antecedentes de la presente propuesta.

El grupo FQM-141 es pionero en España en el campo de la especiación química, la metalómica y los estudios medioambientales relacionados con contaminantes diferenciales y emergentes, habiendo participado en 11 proyectos nacionales y 6 europeos, que han generado unas 180 publicaciones en los últimos 15 años. Además el grupo ha sido consultado como experto en temas medioambientales por diversos organismos y entidades públicas mediante convenios o contratos de investigación.

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