New technologies postcrop in Mediterranean products. Citrus fruits and olive trees of oil-mill
Área de Agroalimentaria
Carlos Mª Weiland Ardáiz / José Mª García Martos / Carla Nunes
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New technologies postcrop in Mediterranean products. Citrus fruits and olive trees of oil-mill





In the research to developing for researchers of the University of Huelva (UHu) and of the Institute of the Fat of Seville (IGSe), in collaboration with Portuguese researchers of the University do The Algarve (UAlg), two very important cultivates will be studied in this cross-border region (The Algarve and Andalusia), the citrus fruits and the olive tree of oil-mill, which represent together more than 30 % of the final agrarian production. The works of research are described when develop for these institutions, which are focused principally on the postcrop of citrus fruits and of olive tree of oil-mill.


In the head citrical offices the development of rotting provoked by the infection of fungi in postcrop represents the principal problem, for the consequent depreciation of the product or his waste for not being able to be commercialized. The current standard of accused of citrus fruits implies the utilization of diverse products of synthesis for prevention and control of this rotting of the fruit, which massive and repeated application has originated the appearance of resistant vine-stocks and the increase of chemical residues in the fruit. In this respect, to investigate in new alternative methods to the traditional fungicides as continuation of the project Interreg IIIA 'Citrisaude', it would allow to increase the production commercialized without increasing the cultivated surface and the qualitative improvement of the production for decrease of risks in the human health and the environment. As physical alternative systems it will follow with the UVS-C and the heat and as alternative chemists they are continued studying the substances GRAS but the atmosphere will interfere ozonized and the ozonized and electrolyted water.


In what concerns the postcrop of citrus fruits the accomplishment of this project would imply the attainment of the general following aims:

  • To verify the concentrations and times of exhibition adapted for the control of P. digitatum by means the use ozonized and electrolyted water, in vitro and in living beings.
  • To combine different strategies of control of P. digitatum, including the physical and chemical systems (UV-C, heat and substances GRAS) already initially developed in the project Citrisaude, with the purpose of increasing the efficiency obtained in individual applications of every treatment.

The olive growing with I destine to oil-mill there is characterized by the phenomenon of the 'vecería' or alternation in the production, by the cultivates of one or little varieties inside every olive zone and by the concentration of the production between December and January, which takes that in the local extractor industry of oil happens:

  • Alternation in the grinding olive and in the production of oil.
  • Concentration of the grinding in a short period of time (1-1,5 months in every zone).

Once harvested the olive the extraction of his oil must be done as rapidly as possible to prevent this one from deteriorating before realizing his extraction. In this work one tries to extend the campaign, for advance of the crop, which would reduce the concentration of the harvested fruit and, it would facilitate a better recovery of the olive tree and would induce a major production for the following campaign (reduction of the ‘vecería’), and for fridgeconservation of the harvested olive, including the use of ozone in the atmosphere of storage. Also one tries to control the presence of some sensory attributes in the oil extracted from olives with mature degree of green ripeness, which excess determines the rejection of the consumer, by means of the acceleration of the ripeness of these fruits with ethylene without diminishing the qualit degree of the product.


The accomplishment of this project would involve the attainment of the general following aims in the most representative variety of mill of the Spanish olive growing, since it is 'Picual', and in the variety 'Verdial' that is that of major recognition in the province of Huelva:

  • Selection of the suitable conditions of treatment with ethylene (concentration, temperature and time of exhibition) to the fruit with green-ripe degree of ripeness necessary for the obtaining of a virgin olive oil with an acceptable as bitter, astringent or spicy level of sensory attributes, that makes possible the advance of the crop.
  • To verify the degree of sensibility to the cold of ripe olives and to evaluate the time that they can support under refrigeration without there deteriorate significantly his physiological characteristics and the quality of his oil.
  • Selection of the suitable conditions of refreshed conservation and of the concentration of ozone applied to prolong in possible the campaign of extraction of oil, as well as to study the effect of the ozone on the physiological characteristics of this type of fruit, specially on the evolution of his content in antioxidant natives and the incident of rottenness, as well as the quality of the obtained oil.




Citrus fruits

In the Portuguese Algarve the citrus fruits represent 30 % of the Gross Agricultural Production and in Andalusia this cultivate is in strong expansion. The modernization of the citric sector constitutes a potential of dynamization of the agrarian economy and of the labor market in both regions. The accused of citrus fruits needs that the fruits are normalized, treated and packed in citric head offices. At present these sectors use technologies in the accused that they can be pollutants for the environment and harmful to the human health. In addition the use of these technologies, especially the fungicides, they present the problem of development of populations fungicide resistant that forces to the retreat of the market of many products up to this moment effective. This another factor joins, the postcrop turns out to be a relatively small market that is slightly attractive to the companies that develop the chemical products that control these losses in fruits after harvesting them. In this sense the development of technologies that allow to overcome this problematics will do to the most competitive and sustainable sector so much in the economic like environmental aspect.


Olive trees of Oil-mill

The olive industry has met always determined by two problems originated by the intrinsic characteristics of the cultive of the olive tree:

  • Concentration of the crop in a short period of time, (December to January), provoking that needs a great capacity of grinding and the employment of several shifts of work, both in compilation and in the oil-mill to process in fruit.
  • Alternation of production in the cultive commonly named "vecería", that drives a years with high production, followed by years of small or even void crop.

Once harvested the olive, the extraction of his oil must be done as rapidly as possible to prevent this one from deteriorating before realizing his extraction. Nevertheless, in the oil-mills the only infrastructures to preserve the hanging fruit of processing are the chutes and the 'granaries' (accumulated fruits), in which the fruits suffer a rapid degradation, first mechanical, due to his crushing, break and heaviness for his own weight, and then biological, motivated for the proliferation of microorganisms in this degraded set, and chemistry that provokes the oxidation for exhibition the environmental oxygen.


Current situation

Citrus fruits

In the citric head offices the development of rotting provoked by the infection of fungi in postcrop represents the main problem, for the consequent depreciation of the product or his waste for not being able to be commercialized. The current standard of accused of citrus fruits implies the utilization of diverse products of synthesis for prevention and control of this rotting of the fruit, which massive and repeated application has originated the appearance of resistant vine-stocks and the increase of chemical residues in the fruit. In this respect, to investigate in new alternative methods to the traditional fungicides as continuation of the project Interreg IIIA 'Citrisaude', it would allow to increase the production commercialized without increasing the cultivated surface and the qualitative improvement of the production for decrease of risks in the human health and the environment. As physical alternative systems it will follow with the UVS-C and the heat and as alternative chemists they are continued studying the substances GRAS but the atmosphere will interfere ozonized and the water ozonized and electrolyted.


Olive trees of Oil-mill

The productive sector is evolving towards almost exclusively intensive technologies of production, with located irrigation and fertirrigación, and to the training of trees of small or enclosed freightage the utilization of you will cultivate of little vigor, which implies a major number of trees for surface unit, and with frames of plantation designed for compilation with combine-harvesters integral and adapted to this productive system. Therefore, in these plantations higher productions are waited. For it, it is predictable that the concentration of the olive in the oil-mills demands in the next years an increase of the capacity of grinding and extraction, or in his case, other alternative solutions.


In the already established oil-mills this situation supposes a loss of product in years of high production, whereas in the future extractor ones it involves a difficulty added at the moment of the capacity decides molturadora suitable, so if it adjusts to the needed one for the campaigns of high production, the amortization of the machinery only would justify itself one of every two campaigns, being in the following infrautilizada. If, on the contrary, the capacity of processing adjusts to a lower production, there moves along the risk of suffering the accumulation of the fruit not accused, which it will determine, since it is possible to suppose, a notable loss in the quality of the extracted oil.


Citrus fruits

The purpose of this research project in the cultive of citrus fruits is to develop technologies postharvests sure and friends of the environment who increase the quality of these fresh fruits. The used technologies will allow to obtain healthy food without prejudicar the environment and with economic benefits. The studies will be focused to determining the effect of different physicochemical not pollutant methods in the reduction of the losses for diseases fungicide in the citrus fruits. This research will be very new since it will use new emergent technologies in what concerns his use in food.


Olive trees of Oil-mill

With this work one tries to extend the campaign, for:

  •  Advance of the crop, which would reduce the concentration of the harvested fruit and, would facilitate a better recovery of the olive tree and would induce a major production for the following campaign (reduction of the ‘vecería’).
  • Fridgeconservation of the harvested olive, including the use of ozone in the atmosphere of storage.


Also one tries to control the presence of some sensory attributes in the same one, whose excess in oils of olives with degree of green ripeness mature, determines the rejection of the consumer, by means of the acceleration of the ripeness of this one with ethylene without diminishing the qualit degree of the product.




General aims

Citrus fruits

  1. To verify the concentrations and times of exhibition adapted for the control of P. digitatum by means of the water use ozonized and electrolyted, in vitro and in living being.
  2. To combine different strategies of control of P. digitatum, including the physical and chemical systems (UV-C, heat and substances GRAS) already initially developed in the project Citrisaude, with the purpose of increasing the efficiency obtained in individual applications of every treatment.


Olive trees of Oil-mill

  1. To select the suitable conditions of treatment with ethylene (concentration, temperature and time of exhibition) to the fruit with green-ripe degree of ripeness necessary for the obtaining of a virgin olive oil with an acceptable level of sensory as bitter, astringent or spicy attributes, which makes possible the advance of the crop.
  2. To verify the degree of sensibility to the cold of mature olives and to evaluate the time that they can support under refrigeration without there deteriorate significantly his physiological characteristics and the quality of his oil.
  3. To select the suitable conditions of refreshed conservation and of the concentration of ozone applied to prolong in possible the campaign of extraction of oil. To study the effect of the ozone on the physiological characteristics of this type of fruit, specially on the evolution of his content in antioxidant natives and the incident of rottenness, as well as the quality of the obtained oil.


Specific aims

Citrus fruits

  1.  To reduce the diseases of postcrop.


Olive trees of Oil-mill

  1. To improve amortization of the extractor infrastructure.
  2. To distribute more rationally the days of crop and accused.
  3. To diminish the depletion of the tree, relieving the traditional "vecería" of the cultivate.
  4. To design a treatment that achieves the obtaining of virgin oil that preserving in possible the quality typical of the oil obtained of young olives there exhibits an excess of sensory attributes (bitter, astringent or spicy) that impede his commercialization.
  5. To slow down the deterioration of the mature olive by means of the refreshed conservation.


Postcrop of Citrus fruits

  1. To verify the concentrations and times of exhibition most adapted for the control of P. digitatum by means of the water use ozonized and electrolyted, in vitro and in living being.

Tests will realize to laborator scale in the control of the rottennesses of postcrop in citrus fruits For in vitro studies the fruits will be submitted to different time of exhibition and concentration of spores of P. digitatum in the waters electrolyted and ozonized, selecionando for the tests in live through the best binomials time - concentration. In these tests in live there will be in use fruits of the most significant varieties of every zone. In the fruits they will be realized wounds for inoculation with P. digitatum. Studies will be realized to different concentrations and times to determine the most effective. These efficiencies will be studied to different temperatures and times of conservation.

2. Combinations of different strategies of control of P. digitatum

Among these strategies there will be included the physical and chemical systems (UV-C, heat and substances GRAS), with the aim to increase the efficiency of every method on having been compared with the individual application of every treatment. The select treatments in the previous task and those who proved to be more effective in the project 'Citrisaude' will be applied realizing different combinations, following the methodology described in the tests in I live. The most effective will carry out using a major number of fruits.


Postcrop in Almanzara's Olives

  1. Response to the storage in atmosphere of ethylene or with high temperature in olives proceeding from anticipated crop.

There are compared olives stored in stores to 24 and to 40 ºC and to 24 ºC in permanent atmosphere with 1.000 ppm of ethylene, of the variety 'Picual' and unripe 'Verdial' (degree of ripeness = 2) distributed in 6 boxes of 1 kg of every variety. There will take an initial common sample (time 0) and later of every box samples will take until 2 obtain kg of fruit to 2, 4 and 7 days of treatment. In every capture of sample there will be analyzed the physiological characteristics of the fruit and the qualit parameters of the oil extracted from the above mentioned fruit. In the consecutive weeks two repetitions will be realized.

2. Determination of the limits of tolerance of the olive of mill matures to the treatment of conservation in cold.

There will be stored samples of black olives (index of ripeness = 4) of the varieties 'Picual' and 'Verdial' in 6 boxes of plastic perforated, each of them with 1 kg of olives, which are kept to temperatures very cold (1-3 ºC), cold (4-6 ºC), slightly cold (7-9 ºC) and a control that will be kept to temperature set, during a maximum period of 4 weeks. In every treatment there will be in use 6 boxes of 1 kg of olives. Every week there will be realized mustreos of 1,25 Kg of every treatment that they will determine the evolution of the physiological state of the olives and of the quality of his extracted oil. The exhibition of a clear deterioration of the fruit or of the quality of the oil of someone of the treatments would determine his immediate interruption. In every capture of samples there will be analyzed the physiological characteristics of the fruit and the qualit parameters of the oil extracted from the above mentioned fruit. Finished this task will return to repeat.


3. Study of the effect of the addition of ozone to the atmosphere of fridgeconservation of mature olive on his physiology, sensibility to the infection and the quality of his oil.

This task, similar to the task 2, will use only the temperature of 4-6 ºC and the addition of ozone of 1,5 µL/L supported in a constant way inside the store. There will be done the same captures of samples and analyses that already were indicated in this task 1. The result of this task will show the usefulness or not from the application of this additional system to the refrigeration to keep even the integrity of the fruit better. In every capture of sample there will be analyzed the physiological characteristics of the fruit and the qualit parameters of the oil extracted from the above mentioned fruit. Finished this task will return to repeat.





  1. Contributions scientist - technology esperables of the project, benefits esperables for the advance of the knowledge and of the technology and, in his case, results esperables with possibility of transfer already be to short, half or long term.
  2. Plan of diffusion


In postcrop of olive tree of oil-mill the principal one benefited from the attainment of the aims proposed in this eminently technological project will be the olive sector in his diverse facets: agricultural production, industrial production of virgin olive oil, treatment of by-products and final commercialization.

Diffusion and exploitation of results


Citrus fruits

The diffusion of the results of postcrop in citrus fruits will be done in:


  1. Scientific and technical magazines.
  2. By means of shares of communication.
  3. Channel of spreading, which is by means of Michael Salazar, technical adviser of the majority of the head offices of the Algarve and is nowadays in works in the south of Spain, Mas concretely in the provinces of Huelva and Seville.

 The results of the research in postcrop of citrus fruits will have a great repercussion in the citric  head offices, in the health of the consumer and the environment.


Almanzara's olives

The immediate offer is foreseen to the olive sector of the results obtained in this project, by means of:

  1. Participation in the events more acquaintances and followed by the manufacturers of the world of the olive tree (Expoliva).
  2. Publication in the scientific international magazines related to the science and food technology (JAFC, JAOCS, Fats and Oils, etc).


Teams participants

  1. D. Mr. Carlos Mª Weiland Ardáiz. Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
  2. D. Mr. Jose Mª García Martos. E mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
  3. D. Mr. Fernado Bastida Milián. Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
  4. D. Ms. Carla Nunes. Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
  5. Ms. Teresa Manso. Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
  6. Ms. Ana Graça. Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
  7. D. Mr. Miguel Salazar. Email: miguel.salazar@mail.telepac
  8. D. Mr. Amilcar Duarte. Email: miguel.salazar@mail.telepac
  9. Ms. Susana Mendes. Email: sumends@netcabo

Record of the group of investigation

The research group of the University of do The Algarve is a member of the group of research of Pathology and I control Biological of Postcrop's Area of the center of research CDCTPV. In the main they have training in Agronomic engineering, being his coordinator the Dr. in Agrarian Sciences for Lleida's University (UdL) (Spain). From 1993 this group studies the biological control in postcrop and from 2000 he devotes himself also to the study of alternative systems to the fungicides of postcrop of fruits, being at present the group of reference in Portugal in this area and the pioneer in the study of the biological control in postcrop in Portugal. Hiscoordinator was the national representative of the share COST 924 "Enhancement and preservation of quality and health promoting components in fresh fruit and vegetables", realized recently.


This share determined the organization of an international Conference organized by the group in the University do The Algarve "Environmentally friendly and safe technologies for quality of fruit and vegetables". The group has taken part in different projects of national research and European. Another important aspect of the group is that one of his members, Amilcar Duarte, is a specialist in citrus fruits, working and showing this cultivate several years ago. Another member, Michael Salazar is a qualit consultant in horticultural head offices, specially citric, realizing technical advising, implementation of qualit systems, traceability, etc., being the person in charge for the transfer of knowledge of the group to the sector. In addition, his deep knowledge of the sector and of his problems allows to the group to investigate with one important component of industrial application of this technology.


In postcrop of olive tree of oil-mill, this work team is experienced at the use of the fridgeconservation to avoid the deterioration of the olive of mill; but the knowledge that are had limits itself to the realized ones with olive with little degree of ripeness (=3). Previously the conservation has never been studied in cold of black olives of mill (IM = 4), much more perishable and with physiological different characteristics of green.


On the other hand, the team of the University of Huelva also has wide experience in studies of physiology and technology postcrop in fruits of citrus fruits and grape of table. This group has worked together with the Institute of the Fat and with the group of the University do The Algarve in the area of the Project Interreg 'Citrisaude' of the European Community.


This team of work trained by researchers of the Universities of Huelva and of The Algarve and of the Institute of the Fat (CSIC) of Seville is not born as a mere relating to the moment association for the accomplishment of this project, but it tries to continue a line of permanent research, where there complement each other different but totally related fields since are the technology postcrop of citrus fruits and olive tree, the biochemistry and vegetable physiology of oranges and of olives and the technology of extraction of the olive oil.

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