Study of the geographical traceability of the oils of olive virgins of the Iberian Southwest
Área de Agroalimentaria
Rafael Beltrán Lucena
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Study of the geographical traceability of the oils of olive virgins of the Iberian Southwest



The traceability in the virgin olive oil is a technology capable of supplying information about the existing relation among the characteristics initial physicist - chemistry of the food and the detected ones for the consumers and/or the safety agency would feed. The project affects in the traceability from the perspectives geographical. The European community demands that the geographical origin of the oil appears clearly in the label, which needs the study of elements related to the geographical origin.


The tool of selected traceability includes a great capacity of detection of chemical parameters that are interrelated in the meta-modelo (networks neuronales "ANN") that integrates the varied selected information.


The plan of work of the project, which this divided in five packages of work, which include seven specific tasks, has been designed and structured to achieve the aim of integral traceability of the from Huelva oils.



The food traceability is defined as the aptitude to trace a food from his origin up to the consumer, and is, therefore, a fundamental tool to the service of the food quality. Many of the compounds and elements that form a part of a food are, in consequence, capable of being submitted to a process of traceability by means of diverse analytical technologies and can be used as scoreboards of traceability. The concept of traceability is, from 2005, one need since the companies have to identify and trace all his products across the food chain with a legislation and control that is applied strictly. The analytical methodology, nevertheless, is delayed with regard to the administrative traceability and it is necessary to develop systems that guarantee that the scoreboards of the diverse stadiums in the life of a food could be traced of simple and effective form. The fundamental aim is, obviously, the protection to the consumer as for food safety.



The importance that has the olive oil from an economic point of view and with a view to the consumer it explains the research of topics related to the characterization and geographical authentication from the 80s.


The chemical composition of the olive oil is well-known for time and the studies have been numerous focused to studying the components that they it form. The necessary support to obtain the tracking of a food only is obtained being based on three fundamental points:


1. Complete and exhaustive knowledge of the whole process.

2. Knowledge of the factors that concern his alteration, storage and distribution.

3. Knowledge of the analytical and chemometric methodologies necessary to carry out the determination of those analyte that they could serve as scoreboards.


All this, approached from a multidisciplinary point of view, with participation of different analytical technologies, information of different compounds, and application of chemometric procedures capable of extracting the suitable information and of combining it of precise form to be able to realize the follow-up of the integral traceability of the final product.


General Aims


    1. To perfect the geographical traceability by means of the elementary analysis using ICP-MS.

    2. To know the correlation among the elementary composition of oils and residues with that of the soils of the oil zones to studying.

    3. To create a database with the chemical and elementary composition of the oils that allows the defense of his genuidad in scientific and technical forums, and his protection front possible adulterations or imitations.


      Specific Aims


        1. To identify the elements that can act as scoreboards of the geographical traceability of the olive oil.

        2. To study the relations among representative elements for his interest edafológico and food-processing quality as Rb/Sr, Sr/Ba and Rb/Tr.

        3. Establishes the geochemical boss of REE, LREE/HREE and anomalies in Ce and Eu.

        4. To study the possible relation among the elementary content and the presence of other components which content remains practically invariable throughout the time, by means of statistical models.

        5. To establish a map of geochemical characterization of the representative elements of the soils of cultivations with the oils of olive produced.

        6. To establish geochemical criteria, based on elements plans on the origin and quality of the olive oil of the zone of study, which allow to establish a future name of origin.




          Capture of samples

          There have been selected five cooperatives corresponding to the different zones of the province of Huelva in which one is going to develop the study: Almonte, Beas, Gibraleón, Saint Bartholomew and Villarrasa. Of each of these cooperatives, for every year of campaign, there will be selected ten samples of oil, ten samples of the corresponding residues as well as ten samples of the soils where they find the olive trees from which the selected oil comes. This supposes a total of 150 samples.


          Study of the metallic content and of the elementary relations

          The digested samples are diluted in a dissolution to 2 % in HNO3. There will be in use an equipment ICP-MS (HP4500), before tuned with a multi-elementary dissolution of 7Li, 85Y and 205Tl. The calibration will be realized by means of an external procedure by a multi-elementary coctail of 50 elements Co plans, of that Li is highlighted, Be, Sc, V, Cr, Not, Cu, Zn, Ga, Ge, Ace, Rb, Mr., And, Zr, Nb, Mo, CD, Sn, Sb, Cs, Ba, REE, Hf, Ta, W, Tl, Pb, Bi, Th and Or. The used standards are white, 1 ppb, 10 ppb, 50 ppb and 100 ppb. In the sequence of tuning in a multi-elementary dissolution will be in use monitor of 10 ppb of all the elements analyzed in order to control the possible drift of the equipment. The characterization of the quality control of the information insures itself by means of the bosses' simultaneous analysis of reference international (SRM) of the analyzed counterfoils.


          Statistical analysis of the results

          The relations among the different analitos and the critical points of tracking will realize by means of mathematical procedures that they allow to reveal of clear form the existing relations. Procedures of statistical analysis will be in use multivariant for managing to establish these relations that will be interpreted from a chemical point of view (Aparicio and Aparicio-Ruiz, 2002).


          Plan of work

          The plan of work is structured in two big blocks that include five packages of work.


          1. Blocks

          • BLOCK I: Evaluation of the compounds responsible for the chemical characterization of the sample by means of ICP-MS's technologies (determination of the metallic content).
          • BLOCK II: Development of an analytical methodology, which being based on the obtained information, allows the objective prediction of the degree of acceptability of the oils of olive virgins.


          2. Packages of work

          • PACKAGE I: Documentation and bibliographical summary.
          • PACKAGE II: Evaluation and optimization of procedures.

          This package of work corresponds to the analytical part of the project constituted fundamentally by the evaluation, optimization and implementation of the different analytical stages necessary for the evaluation and determination of the different parameters to studying. The tasks to realizing would be:


          • Task 1: Location, characterization and distribution protocol of you it show.
          Location of necessary samples in every campaign, establishing a protocol for the capture of samples, so that there will be tried that the total number of samples guarantees sufficient safety and variability. In addition, will be decided the number of lots of different oils that will be studied bearing in mind the different conditions of soils and varieties.
          • Task 2: Adjustment of the analytical methodology: Update and review.
          Adjustment of the treatment of the different samples of soils, oil and residue for elementary study by means of spectrometry ICP-MS.


          • PACKAGE III: experimental Execution of the activities

          Once transported the samples to the laboratory will be stored up to his analysis. The samples will be analyzed by triplicate using the methodologies of the previous package. The task of this package is:

          • Task 3: elementary Determination (ICP-MS)


          • PACKAGE IV: Treatment of the information and conclusions

          The analytical results obtained so much of the soils like of the oils and the analyzed residues, uni will be submitted to diverse statistical technologies - and multi-variants to establish the significancia of each one of the variables. There will be in use ANN "Artificial Neural Network". Finally, there will be elaborated a geochemical map of the olive zone with a view to a possible Name of Origin. The task of this package is:

          • Task 4: statistical Study of the information related to the geographical traceability


          • PACKAGE V: Plan of technological implementation: Transfer, valuation and dissemination of the knowledge.

          It is considered to be so much the transfer of information inside the project among the groups that constitute it as the transfer on the outside by means of two different tasks.

          • Task 5: Exchange of information among the members of the consortium.

          Road links will be established using the resources of the new technologies (web pages, e-mail and videoconference).

          • Task 6: Diffusion of the results

          They will be realized to three levels - scientific, institutional and social - the rapid transfer of the same ones being promoted across congresses, publication of articles and books, doctoral theses and spreading to manufacturers and consumers.


          Benefits of the project

          Contributions scientist - technology esperables of the project, benefits esperables for the advance of the knowledge and of the technology and, in his case, results esperables with possibility of transfer already be to short, half or long term:


          1. Identification of the metals that act as scoreboards of the geographical traceability of the olive oil: geographical Identification.

          2. Establishment of the boss geochemical of strange lands, as well as the relations among representative elements and anomalies in Ce and or, that allow to establish a map of geochemical characterization of the representative elements of the soils ofcultivation with the oils of olive produced.

          3. Establishment of the geochemical criteria based on elements plans on the origin and quality of the olive oil of the zone of study that allow to establish a future name of origin.

          4. Improvement of the existing instrumentation.


          Difussion and exploitation of the results

          The plan of diffusion will direct to obtain the maximum transfer, valuation and diffusion of the knowledge acquired in the project towards the exterior. Fundamentally the plan will centre on the following activities of transfer:


          1. Scientific publications: Great part of the consortium has come publishing in magazines of Food technology (J. Agric. Food Chem., Food Chem., etc.) and Analytical Chemistry (Anal Chem., Anlyst, Anal Chim. Record, etc.) that will continue being used in the diffusion of the results of this project, whereas the magazines of Environmental Science (Chemosphere, Int. Env., Env. Beast. Sci. T. Env., etc) they will be an object of another part of the results of the project. One expects to be able to publish among 4 and 6 articles in magazines of the SCI.

          2. Scientific conferences: they will present the results in congresses of the field of the oil (AOCS, EFL, PITCON, etc.), Analytical Chemistry (EUROANALYSIS, GRASEQA, etc.) and Environmental Science (ICEST, ICERT, ICESE, etc)

          3. Internet: The consortium possesses a "website" to shelter the results of this offer.

          4. Industrial transfer: Spreading of scientific results among the industrial community (cooperatives, industries) in his days of spreading (seminars, symposiums), and among the consumers across the consumers' associations of the first level and the associations of the oil zones.



          Teams participants

          1. D. Mr. Rafael Beltrán Lucena. Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
          2. D. Ms. Ana Sayago Gómez. Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
          3. Ms. María Beltrán Muniz. Email : This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
          4. Ms. María Luz Pizarro Hierro. Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
          5. D. Mr. Ramón Aparicio López. Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
          6. D. Ms. María T. Morales Millán. Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
          7. D. Mr. Diego Luís García González. Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
          8. Ms. Noelia Teja Pajuelo. Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
          9. Training

          Record of the group of research

          The multidisciplinary team that realizes the offer is integrated by 5 doctors, two licentiates and a belonging laborator técnico to two groups of research (FQM-310 and AGR-104) belonging to the University of Huelva (Faculty of Experimental Sciences), University of Seville (Faculty of Drugstore) and to the CSIC (Institute of the Fat). These groups, which constitute the consortium, have supported a previous relation, so much in the area of the transfer of knowledge like of collaboration in topics of research and publications.


          The project has been requested by both groups of research, which of coordinated and multidisciplinary form the guidelines try to establish to obtain an integral traceability of the olive oil contributing to the current directives of food safety.


          The Dr. Aparicio and his group of research AGR-104 have a wide experience in traceability of food, development of emergent technologies and different aspects related to the olive oil. The Dr. Aparicio has directed and coordinated numerous projects of research, national and of the CEE, having wide experience in the project management of research with high number of participants


          The Dr. Beltrán (principal researcher of the present project) and his group of research FQM-310 have a wide experience in the determination of metallic kinds in different counterfoils, as well as in the determination of volatile compounds in food-processing products (wine and olive oil). The Dr. Beltrán has taken part in numerous projects of research, national and autonomous, as well as in contracts of I+D+I.




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